- Bring your rabies certificate and payment to the Village Hall during normal operating hours.
- Mail your payment along with the rabies vaccination certificate to the Village Hall. Be sure to enclose a self addressed, stamped envelope or the license will not be mailed to you.
- Drop your payment and rabies vaccination certificate in the drop box located outside the front door of the Village Hall. Be sure to enclose a self addressed, stamped envelope or the license will not be mailed to you.
The Village of Waunakee collects real estate taxes on behalf of Dane County through January 31, 2011. Real estate taxes are payable in full by January 31, 2011, or the first installment as shown on your tax bill by January 31, 2011 and the remaining balance is payable to the Dane County Treasurer by July 31, 2011.
All refunds will be processed February 2011 after the Village has settled the tax roll with the County. The county has requested that the village wait until the village's tax collection period is over to validate all potential refunds.
Personal Property Tax Payment Deadline
Personal property taxes (relates to non-real estate business property) are payable in full by January 31, 2011. Late fees of 1.5% per month will be assessed on all personal property taxes paid after January 31, 2011. Personal property is collected by the village for all payments.