It’s time once again to celebrate the creative diversity of Waunakee!
We are seeking community volunteers to serve on the committee that will plan and produce the 2nd Annual Celebration event (working title: Winter Celebration). The kick-off planning meeting will be held at noon on Friday, August 2, at Village Hall in Waunakee.
The Celebration will be held on Sunday afternoon, November 3, 2013, as artists, exhibitors and performers share their creativity and unique ideas with our community. This year’s event will be bigger and better than ever, building on the tremendous success of 2012’s Imagination Celebration.
The committee will plan a festive afternoon of exhibits, performances, demonstrations, and activities for all ages, presented by Waunakee artists, organizations and businesses with a flair for the creative side.
If you are unable to join the committee but still want to help, there are multiple opportunities to assist with event promotion, participate as an event exhibitor, provide in-kind services for the event, and/or provide financial sponsorship.
If interested and willing to help as a committee member or in any other capacity, please contact either of the following:
Todd J. Schmidt, Village Administrator / Economic Development Director, (608) 850-5227
Barbara Harkins, Arts Wisconsin Project Director, (608) 566-2236.
Waunablog is published by the Village of Waunakee as a way to share information regarding the Village's operations, programs and priorities.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Feedback Needed from Local ‘Lone Eagles’ to Determine Feasibility of a Co-Working Space in Waunakee
In an effort to help grow the entrepreneurial spirit in Waunakee, the Village is currently seeking feedback and insight from individuals who are currently working out of their homes or in remote office spaces to determine if there is a demand/need for a co-working facility to serve area residents.
Across the nation, the number of co-working spaces is rising at rapid pace as professionals and entrepreneurs strive to get out of whatever currently serves as their makeshift workspace. However, a co-working facility is more than just office space shared by professionals; rather, it provides the opportunities created by people who are still working independently, but share values and are interested in the synergy that can result from working with like-minded, talented people in the same space.
While demand for this type of space is increasing, co-working space founders almost all agree that it isn’t a “build it and they will come” project. The key to a successful operation is creating a space that meets the unique needs of the community of users that it will serve. Some facilities operate as nonprofits and others are managed/owned by a primary user. Several exist purely to provide the social interaction and camaraderie of a traditional “office”, while several strive to build collaborations and partnerships.
It is for these reasons that the Village of Waunakee has contracted with the T. Braun Company to assess the independent professional landscape in Waunakee and determine the need and ability to support a co-working facility. The intention of the study is not for the Village to operate or manage the Project, but to provide recommendations and guidance so that such a space is not only sustainable, but fosters the generation of ideas, facilitates business collaborations, and fuels future economic development success stories.
If you are potentially interested (now or in the future) in having a co-working or shared office facility in Waunakee, or if you simply have questions about what such space could provide, please contact Tricia Braun before Friday, August 23 at or 951.201.5895.
Across the nation, the number of co-working spaces is rising at rapid pace as professionals and entrepreneurs strive to get out of whatever currently serves as their makeshift workspace. However, a co-working facility is more than just office space shared by professionals; rather, it provides the opportunities created by people who are still working independently, but share values and are interested in the synergy that can result from working with like-minded, talented people in the same space.
While demand for this type of space is increasing, co-working space founders almost all agree that it isn’t a “build it and they will come” project. The key to a successful operation is creating a space that meets the unique needs of the community of users that it will serve. Some facilities operate as nonprofits and others are managed/owned by a primary user. Several exist purely to provide the social interaction and camaraderie of a traditional “office”, while several strive to build collaborations and partnerships.
It is for these reasons that the Village of Waunakee has contracted with the T. Braun Company to assess the independent professional landscape in Waunakee and determine the need and ability to support a co-working facility. The intention of the study is not for the Village to operate or manage the Project, but to provide recommendations and guidance so that such a space is not only sustainable, but fosters the generation of ideas, facilitates business collaborations, and fuels future economic development success stories.
If you are potentially interested (now or in the future) in having a co-working or shared office facility in Waunakee, or if you simply have questions about what such space could provide, please contact Tricia Braun before Friday, August 23 at or 951.201.5895.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Weekly Update - Main Street Utility Improvements
Please click on the link below to view the July 29, 2013 Weekly Update for Main Street Utility Improvements.
July 29, 2013 Weekly Update for Main Street Utility
July 29, 2013 Weekly Update for Main Street Utility
Weekly Update - Public Works Improvements
Please click on the link below to view the July 29, 2013 Weekly Update for Public Works Improvements.
July 29, 2013 Weekly Update for Public Works Improvements
July 29, 2013 Weekly Update for Public Works Improvements
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Meeting Notifications - July 28th through August 3rd
The following official Village meetings will take place this coming week:
Tuesday Morning Briefings on Main, Tuesday, July 30, 2013 @ 8:30 AM located at 100 East Main Street (Chamber of Commerce)
Check out this prior post on this topic:
Agendas may change prior to the commencement of the meeting. Agendas for these meetings will be posted at a minimum of three of the following official posting places:
Waunakee Village Hall (500 West Main Street)
Waunakee Senior Center (333 South Madison Street)
Waunakee/Westport Chamber of Commerce (100 East Main Street)
Waunakee Police Station (205 North Klein Drive)
Waunakee Utilities (322 Moravian Valley Road)
Waunakee Public Library (710 South Street)
Waunakee Public Works (504 Moravian Valley Road)
Access Meeting Materials On-Line: Agendas and most meeting packets (which include related memos and other supporting materials) will be posted on the Village of Waunakee website utilizing the following link:
You are welcome to contact Village Hall with any questions about these meetings at (608) 850-8500 or email us at
Tuesday Morning Briefings on Main, Tuesday, July 30, 2013 @ 8:30 AM located at 100 East Main Street (Chamber of Commerce)
Check out this prior post on this topic:
Agendas may change prior to the commencement of the meeting. Agendas for these meetings will be posted at a minimum of three of the following official posting places:
Waunakee Village Hall (500 West Main Street)
Waunakee Senior Center (333 South Madison Street)
Waunakee/Westport Chamber of Commerce (100 East Main Street)
Waunakee Police Station (205 North Klein Drive)
Waunakee Utilities (322 Moravian Valley Road)
Waunakee Public Library (710 South Street)
Waunakee Public Works (504 Moravian Valley Road)
Access Meeting Materials On-Line: Agendas and most meeting packets (which include related memos and other supporting materials) will be posted on the Village of Waunakee website utilizing the following link:
You are welcome to contact Village Hall with any questions about these meetings at (608) 850-8500 or email us at
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
WNC Volunteers and Ice Cream Buckets
WNC is looking for middle school, high school or college aged students to help this Thursday, July 25 at 2:00 p.m. at the WNC Store for 1-3 hours. If you can help, stop in!
WNC is also in need of clean, plastic ice cream buckets with lids to use for WaunaFest to freeze ice. People are welcome to drop them off either at the WNC Store Thursday, July 25 from 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. or at the Waunakee McDonalds any time from now through Thursday night. Please write WNC with a sharpie on the bucket. Thank you!
WNC is also in need of clean, plastic ice cream buckets with lids to use for WaunaFest to freeze ice. People are welcome to drop them off either at the WNC Store Thursday, July 25 from 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. or at the Waunakee McDonalds any time from now through Thursday night. Please write WNC with a sharpie on the bucket. Thank you!
Volunteer Your Time!
Can you even believe the summer is half over? There is still plenty of time and lots of fun ways for your family to feel the joy of helping your neighbors by working with WNC! We have WaunaFest booths, serving at the WNC store or painting a neighbor's home. We have something for everyone! Check out the opportunities to make a big difference! Click here for more information.
WaunaFest Volunteers Needed
Calling All Volunteers!
Friday, July 26th through Sunday, July 28th
Waunakee Neighborhood Connection (WNC) is looking for volunteers to help at the WNC WaunaFest booths! And we all know everybody loves a parade! Join WNC for the WaunaFest parade and feel the love! We need walkers of all ages to promote our "Fill the Bus" school supply drive and pass out purple pencils to parade watchers. Click here to sign up for all volunteer opportunities.
Friday, July 26th through Sunday, July 28th
Waunakee Neighborhood Connection (WNC) is looking for volunteers to help at the WNC WaunaFest booths! And we all know everybody loves a parade! Join WNC for the WaunaFest parade and feel the love! We need walkers of all ages to promote our "Fill the Bus" school supply drive and pass out purple pencils to parade watchers. Click here to sign up for all volunteer opportunities.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Kilkenny Blasting Update
The first phase of Kilkenny blasting is nearing its completion and is expected to be finished by the end of this week. Blasting is expected to resume within the next 2-3 weeks. Please continue to view our blog and the Village's website ( for continued updates on this project.
Please feel free to contact the following individuals for any detailed questions or concerns that you may have:
Don Tierney
Kilkenny Developer
(608) 241-0102
Tony Tritt
Operations Manager
Falcon Drilling & Blasting, Inc.
(920) 685-5299 Ext. 2 (Office)
(920) 379-9246 (Cell)
Please feel free to contact the following individuals for any detailed questions or concerns that you may have:
Don Tierney
Kilkenny Developer
(608) 241-0102
Tony Tritt
Operations Manager
Falcon Drilling & Blasting, Inc.
(920) 685-5299 Ext. 2 (Office)
(920) 379-9246 (Cell)
Monday, July 22, 2013
Village Administrator Todd Schmidt Riding in MS150
I am excited to be riding in the MS 150 on August 3rd and 4th. This is a great event to raise awareness about multiple sclerosis with the hopes of improving treatment methods and finding a cure soon!
To the extent that I can, I would love the chance to ride in honor of those who are suffering from MS right here in Waunakee. If you suffer from MS or know of someone in Waunakee who does, please send me their name and I'll acknowledge them on my jersey and bike. Better yet, forward this blog post to them and have them contact me. My email is
If you would like to learn more about the team I'm riding with and the event itself, you may click on the following link:
To the extent that I can, I would love the chance to ride in honor of those who are suffering from MS right here in Waunakee. If you suffer from MS or know of someone in Waunakee who does, please send me their name and I'll acknowledge them on my jersey and bike. Better yet, forward this blog post to them and have them contact me. My email is
If you would like to learn more about the team I'm riding with and the event itself, you may click on the following link:
Waunafest Classic Car Show and Shine
Sunday, July 28, 2013
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Centennial Park
803 South Holiday Drive
Waunakee, WI
$5.00 Entry Fee. All proceeds will be donated to the Waunafest Committee. Please view the following link for further details!
Waunafest Classic Car Show and Shine
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

803 South Holiday Drive
Waunakee, WI
$5.00 Entry Fee. All proceeds will be donated to the Waunafest Committee. Please view the following link for further details!
Waunafest Classic Car Show and Shine
Public Works Improvements Weekly Update
Please click on the link below to view the July 22, 2013 Weekly Update for Public Works Improvements.
July 22, 2013 Weekly Update for Public Works Improvements
July 22, 2013 Weekly Update for Public Works Improvements
Main Street Utility Improvements Weekly Update
Please click on the link below to view the July 22, 2013 Weekly Update for Main Street Utility Improvements.
July 22, 2013 Weekly Update for Main Street Utility
July 22, 2013 Weekly Update for Main Street Utility
Friday, July 19, 2013
Waunakee Police Department Scam Alert
Waunakee Police responded to a scam attempt on July 17 at a local business. A business owner got a call from someone indicating he was with Waunakee Utilities, and the business owner was delinquent in payment. Further, utilities was going to shut his power off unless the business owner went to Walgreens and purchased a gift card, called back and read the numbers off the card. The business owner was alert enough to pick up on the scam and alerted police.
This is a nationwide scam and it has been successful many times, and especially when targeting the elderly and the business community. Waunakee Utilities does not operate by cold calling customers to inform them their power will be shut off. According to Waunakee Utilities Manager Tim Herlitzka, utilities will send a letter to the resident/business notifying of overdue payment. If payment is not received within a reasonable time, a Waunakee Utilities employee physically goes to the residence or business and posts a bright orange notice on the front door indicating the bill is overdue.
Below are two links to similar scam attempts through local utility groups.
This is a nationwide scam and it has been successful many times, and especially when targeting the elderly and the business community. Waunakee Utilities does not operate by cold calling customers to inform them their power will be shut off. According to Waunakee Utilities Manager Tim Herlitzka, utilities will send a letter to the resident/business notifying of overdue payment. If payment is not received within a reasonable time, a Waunakee Utilities employee physically goes to the residence or business and posts a bright orange notice on the front door indicating the bill is overdue.
Below are two links to similar scam attempts through local utility groups.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Waunakee Emergency Services Academy
Waunakee Emergency Services Academy
September 4 - October 30, 2013
(Every Wednesday 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM)
The Waunakee Emergency Services Academy will provide community members with an inside look at the Emergency Services Waunakee provides. During the 9 week academy, students will be introduced to emergency service operations and participate in many of the same training sessions officers go through every year.
Please click on the link below for application information:
Emergency Service Academy
September 4 - October 30, 2013
(Every Wednesday 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM)
The Waunakee Emergency Services Academy will provide community members with an inside look at the Emergency Services Waunakee provides. During the 9 week academy, students will be introduced to emergency service operations and participate in many of the same training sessions officers go through every year.
Please click on the link below for application information:
Emergency Service Academy
Meeting Notifications - July 21st through July 27th
The following official Village meetings will take place this coming week:
Utility Commission, Monday, July 22, 2013 @ 5:30 PM located at 322 Moravian Valley Road (Waunakee Utilities)
Library Board, Monday, July 22, 2013 @ 5:30 PM located at 710 South Street (Public Library)
Board of Appeals, Monday, July 22, 2013 @ 6:30 PM located at 500 West Main Street (Village Hall)
Plan Commission, Monday, July 22, 2013 @ 7:30 PM located at 500 West Main Street (Village Hall)
Tuesday Morning Briefings on Main, Tuesday, July 23, 2013 @ 8:30 AM located at 100 East Main Street (Chamber of Commerce)
Check out this prior post on this topic:
Agendas may change prior to the commencement of the meeting. Agendas for these meetings will be posted at a minimum of three of the following official posting places:
Waunakee Village Hall (500 West Main Street)
Waunakee Senior Center (333 South Madison Street)
Waunakee/Westport Chamber of Commerce (100 East Main Street)
Waunakee Police Station (205 North Klein Drive)
Waunakee Utilities (322 Moravian Valley Road)
Waunakee Public Library (710 South Street)
Waunakee Public Works (504 Moravian Valley Road)
Access Meeting Materials On-Line: Agendas and most meeting packets (which include related memos and other supporting materials) will be posted on the Village of Waunakee website utilizing the following link:
You are welcome to contact Village Hall with any questions about these meetings at (608) 850-8500 or email us at
Utility Commission, Monday, July 22, 2013 @ 5:30 PM located at 322 Moravian Valley Road (Waunakee Utilities)
Library Board, Monday, July 22, 2013 @ 5:30 PM located at 710 South Street (Public Library)
Board of Appeals, Monday, July 22, 2013 @ 6:30 PM located at 500 West Main Street (Village Hall)
Plan Commission, Monday, July 22, 2013 @ 7:30 PM located at 500 West Main Street (Village Hall)
Tuesday Morning Briefings on Main, Tuesday, July 23, 2013 @ 8:30 AM located at 100 East Main Street (Chamber of Commerce)
Check out this prior post on this topic:
Agendas may change prior to the commencement of the meeting. Agendas for these meetings will be posted at a minimum of three of the following official posting places:
Waunakee Village Hall (500 West Main Street)
Waunakee Senior Center (333 South Madison Street)
Waunakee/Westport Chamber of Commerce (100 East Main Street)
Waunakee Police Station (205 North Klein Drive)
Waunakee Utilities (322 Moravian Valley Road)
Waunakee Public Library (710 South Street)
Waunakee Public Works (504 Moravian Valley Road)
Access Meeting Materials On-Line: Agendas and most meeting packets (which include related memos and other supporting materials) will be posted on the Village of Waunakee website utilizing the following link:
You are welcome to contact Village Hall with any questions about these meetings at (608) 850-8500 or email us at
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Art Cart EXTRA!
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
New Pridecast Available
Have you ever wished that you knew more techniques to engage your brain and reduce your risk of Alzheimer's and dementia? If so, you'll want to listen to the most recent episode of the Waunakee Lions Pridecast, which features information about the August 8th Workshop on Wellness: Maintaining Brain Health - Staying Sharp at Any Age.
You can listen to the Pridecast by clicking the link below.
You can listen to the Pridecast by clicking the link below.
Friday, July 12, 2013

Come out to Waunakee the last weekend of July and celebrate WaunaFest! We'll have food, music, sports, a parade, family events and lots more. WaunaFest - it's where you'll want to be!
Click on the link below for everything WaunaFest:
WaunaFest Home Page
Weekly Update - Public Works Improvements
Please click on the link below to view the July 15, 2013 Weekly Update for Public Works Improvements.
July 15, 2013 Weekly Update for Public Works Improvements
July 15, 2013 Weekly Update for Public Works Improvements
Weekly Update - Main Street Utility Improvements
Please click on the link below to view the July 15, 2013 Weekly Update for Main Street Utility Improvements.
July 15, 2013 Weekly Update for Main Street Utility
July 15, 2013 Weekly Update for Main Street Utility
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Meeting Notifications - July 14th through July 20th
The following official Village meetings will take place this coming week:
Village Board, Monday, July 15, 2013 @ 6:00 PM located at 500 West Main Street (Village Hall)
Tuesday Morning Briefings on Main, Tuesday, July 16, 2013 @ 8:30 AM located at 100 East Main Street (Chamber of Commerce)
Village Center Advisory Committee-CANCELLED, Tuesday, July 16, 2013 @ 5:45 PM located at 333 South Madison Street (Village Center)
Waunakee Police Commission, Wednesday, July 17, 2013 @ 6:30 PM located at 205 North Klein (Waunakee Police Department)
Check out this prior post on this topic:
Agendas may change prior to the commencement of the meeting. Agendas for these meetings will be posted at a minimum of three of the following official posting places:
Waunakee Village Hall (500 West Main Street)
Waunakee Senior Center (333 South Madison Street)
Waunakee/Westport Chamber of Commerce (100 East Main Street)
Waunakee Police Station (205 North Klein Drive)
Waunakee Utilities (322 Moravian Valley Road)
Waunakee Public Library (710 South Street)
Waunakee Public Works (504 Moravian Valley Road)
Access Meeting Materials On-Line: Agendas and most meeting packets (which include related memos and other supporting materials) will be posted on the Village of Waunakee website utilizing the following link:
You are welcome to contact Village Hall with any questions about these meetings at (608) 850-8500 or email us at
Village Board, Monday, July 15, 2013 @ 6:00 PM located at 500 West Main Street (Village Hall)
Tuesday Morning Briefings on Main, Tuesday, July 16, 2013 @ 8:30 AM located at 100 East Main Street (Chamber of Commerce)
Village Center Advisory Committee-CANCELLED, Tuesday, July 16, 2013 @ 5:45 PM located at 333 South Madison Street (Village Center)
Waunakee Police Commission, Wednesday, July 17, 2013 @ 6:30 PM located at 205 North Klein (Waunakee Police Department)
Check out this prior post on this topic:
Agendas may change prior to the commencement of the meeting. Agendas for these meetings will be posted at a minimum of three of the following official posting places:
Waunakee Village Hall (500 West Main Street)
Waunakee Senior Center (333 South Madison Street)
Waunakee/Westport Chamber of Commerce (100 East Main Street)
Waunakee Police Station (205 North Klein Drive)
Waunakee Utilities (322 Moravian Valley Road)
Waunakee Public Library (710 South Street)
Waunakee Public Works (504 Moravian Valley Road)
Access Meeting Materials On-Line: Agendas and most meeting packets (which include related memos and other supporting materials) will be posted on the Village of Waunakee website utilizing the following link:
You are welcome to contact Village Hall with any questions about these meetings at (608) 850-8500 or email us at
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Kilkenny Farms Blasting Public Meeting
Don Tierney, the developer of the Kilkenny Farms subdivision, will be holding a public meeting with Tony Tritt from Falcon Drilling to speak with neighbors regarding their concerns. The meeting will take place in the Village Center Activity Room at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 11, 2013. The Village Center is located at 333 South Madison Street in Waunakee. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please contact Don Tierney at 608-241-0102.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Weekly Update - Public Works Improvements
Please click on the link below to view the July 8, 2013 Weekly Update for Public Works Improvements.
July 8, 2013 Weekly Update for Public Works Improvements
July 8, 2013 Weekly Update for Public Works Improvements
Weekly Update - Main Street Utility Improvements
Please click on the link below to view the July 8, 2013 Weekly Update for Main Street Utility Improvements.
July 8, 2013 Weekly Update for Main Street Utility
July 8, 2013 Weekly Update for Main Street Utility
Meeting Notifications - July 7th through July 13th
The following official Village meetings will take place this coming week:
Tuesday Morning Briefings on Main, Tuesday, July 9, 2013 @ 8:30 a.m. located at 100 East Main Street (Chamber of Commerce)
Joint Plan Commission, Tuesday, July 9, 2013 @ 6:00 p.m. located at 500 West Main Street (Village Hall)
Sustain Main Campaign, Wednesday, July 10, 2013 @ 12:00 noon located at 500 West Main Street (Village Hall)
Lone Eagle Initiative Picnic, Wednesday, July 10, 2013 @ 4:00 p.m. located at 500 East Main Street (Village Park)
Public Works Committee, Wednesday, July 10, 2013 @ 5:30 p.m. located at 500 West Main Street (Village Hall)
Check out this prior post on this topic:
Agendas may change prior to the commencement of the meeting. Agendas for these meetings will be posted at a minimum of three of the following official posting places:
Waunakee Village Hall (500 West Main Street)
Waunakee Senior Center (333 South Madison Street)
Waunakee/Westport Chamber of Commerce (100 East Main Street)
Waunakee Police Station (205 North Klein Drive)
Waunakee Utilities (322 Moravian Valley Road)
Waunakee Public Library (710 South Street)
Waunakee Public Works (504 Moravian Valley Road)
Access Meeting Materials On-Line: Agendas and most meeting packets (which include related memos and other supporting materials) will be posted on the Village of Waunakee website utilizing the following link:
You are welcome to contact Village Hall with any questions about these meetings at (608) 850-8500 or email us at
Tuesday Morning Briefings on Main, Tuesday, July 9, 2013 @ 8:30 a.m. located at 100 East Main Street (Chamber of Commerce)
Joint Plan Commission, Tuesday, July 9, 2013 @ 6:00 p.m. located at 500 West Main Street (Village Hall)
Sustain Main Campaign, Wednesday, July 10, 2013 @ 12:00 noon located at 500 West Main Street (Village Hall)
Lone Eagle Initiative Picnic, Wednesday, July 10, 2013 @ 4:00 p.m. located at 500 East Main Street (Village Park)
Public Works Committee, Wednesday, July 10, 2013 @ 5:30 p.m. located at 500 West Main Street (Village Hall)
Check out this prior post on this topic:
Agendas may change prior to the commencement of the meeting. Agendas for these meetings will be posted at a minimum of three of the following official posting places:
Waunakee Village Hall (500 West Main Street)
Waunakee Senior Center (333 South Madison Street)
Waunakee/Westport Chamber of Commerce (100 East Main Street)
Waunakee Police Station (205 North Klein Drive)
Waunakee Utilities (322 Moravian Valley Road)
Waunakee Public Library (710 South Street)
Waunakee Public Works (504 Moravian Valley Road)
Access Meeting Materials On-Line: Agendas and most meeting packets (which include related memos and other supporting materials) will be posted on the Village of Waunakee website utilizing the following link:
You are welcome to contact Village Hall with any questions about these meetings at (608) 850-8500 or email us at
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Blasting on Kilkenny Property
Blasting will be taking place on the Kilkenny property. This blasting will occur multiple times daily and will begin Wednesday, July 3 and continue for a few weeks.
Should you have questions or concerns, please contact Tony Tritt from Falcon Drilling. He can be reached at 920-379-9246 and/or
Should you have questions or concerns, please contact Tony Tritt from Falcon Drilling. He can be reached at 920-379-9246 and/or
Waunakee Police Department July Newsletter
Please feel free to click the link below to view the July Waunakee Police Department Newsletter.
Waunakee Police Department Newsletter - July 2013
Waunakee Police Department Newsletter - July 2013
Fireworks Reminder from the Waunakee Police Department
Fireworks in Wisconsin are strictly regulated by state law Wis Stat. 167.10
Very few fireworks are actually legal in Wisconsin, without having a permit. Those "fireworks" are; sparklers, stationary cones and fountains, toy snakes, smoke bombs and caps, noisemakers and confetti poppers with less than ¼ of a grain of explosive mixture. These "fireworks" are the type usually found in convenience and grocery stores.
Possessing or using any other fireworks such as firecrackers, roman candles, bottle rockets and mortars, without a valid permit is illegal. A general rule of thumb is if the device leaves the ground or explodes it is illegal.
Almost all fireworks permits held by users of the fireworks are not valid. Valid fireworks permits can only be issued by a mayor, village president, or a municipal employee they have designated. If a valid permit is issued it is only valid within the city, village or town where it was issued. Therefore, permits issued by fireworks vendors are not valid.
Very few fireworks are actually legal in Wisconsin, without having a permit. Those "fireworks" are; sparklers, stationary cones and fountains, toy snakes, smoke bombs and caps, noisemakers and confetti poppers with less than ¼ of a grain of explosive mixture. These "fireworks" are the type usually found in convenience and grocery stores.
Possessing or using any other fireworks such as firecrackers, roman candles, bottle rockets and mortars, without a valid permit is illegal. A general rule of thumb is if the device leaves the ground or explodes it is illegal.
Almost all fireworks permits held by users of the fireworks are not valid. Valid fireworks permits can only be issued by a mayor, village president, or a municipal employee they have designated. If a valid permit is issued it is only valid within the city, village or town where it was issued. Therefore, permits issued by fireworks vendors are not valid.
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