On February 14, 2020, Waunakee Neighborhood Connection turned 13 and celebrated by introducing an updated logo and by launching a new website. It was Valentine's Day of 2007 when the organization's founder, Genna Eaton, received approval from the IRS for its non-profit status, which seems fitting since Neighborhood Connection was created with so much love from and for the community.
The new logo incorporates the heart connecting two people, symbolizing the neighbor-to-neighbor approach that Neighborhood Connection takes in supporting the most vulnerable families in our community. The full name of the organization is now part of the logo as opposed to only "WNC" so that it will be more recognized and understood by those who may not be familiar with the acronym.
Also, along with the new logo, the organization has adopted a new tagline: "The heart of the community". Neighborhood Connection's board of directors felt that this phrase captures the essence of the vital work being done by the organization to both support families in need and create meaningful connection among neighbors through volunteerism and service together.
Neighborhood Connection's updated website features new navigation and more concise content that should make it easier for visitors of the site to find what they are looking for. It also marks a change to an .org extension for the URL.
Waunakee Neighborhood Connection is a non-profit social agency that provides comprehensive programs, services and case management to families in the Waunakee area who are experiencing financial hardships. It also provides numerous opportunities to Waunakee residents of all ages to get involved in volunteer services that make a positive difference right here in our community! Please visit the website to learn more