Waunablog is published by the Village of Waunakee as a way to share information regarding the Village's operations, programs and priorities.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Village Seeking Citizen Volunteer for Waunakee Economic Development Commission
The Village of Waunakee is seeking to fill a citizen member vacancy on the Waunakee Economic Development Commission (WEDC). The purpose of the WEDC is to set economic development policy for the Village of Waunakee, and to establish annual goals and objectives for economic development. The WEDC is also responsible for accomplishing the objectives outlined in Waunakee's Strategic Vision Implementation Plan. The WEDC is composed of nine individuals including the Village President, two Village Trustees, one representative from the Waunakee/Westport Chamber of Commerce, one representative from the Waunakee Community School District, and four citizen members appointed by the Village President with approval from the Village Board. Meetings of the WEDC occur regularly on the second Monday of the month at 6:00 pm. Citizens with skills and experience in business, economic development, financing, construction, marketing, planning or related fields are particularly encouraged to apply. For more information and an application form, visit the Village website by clicking here. Any questions may be directed to Village President John Laubmeier at 849-7080 or Village Administrator Todd Schmidt at 850-5227 or tschmidt@vil.waunakee.wi.us.
Waunakee Rotary Club
I have really enjoyed becoming involved with the club since I arrived here last year. The club is devoted to helping the community and world in many ways. If you'd like to learn more about the Waunakee Rotary Club please check out the website at http://waunakeerotary.org/. We meet every Thursday at noon at Rex's. Feel free to give me a call if you'd like to learn more - (608)850-5227.
Garden of Dreams
Below is a message from the organizers of the Waunakee Community Garden.
It's time for the second season of the Garden of Dreams!
Friday, April 29th from 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. will be our first official work day of the season. We will be extending the garden to make room for 3 new raised beds. A sod cutter from Waunakee Rental and compost from the Dane County Highway 19 site were both donated again this year. With collaboration between our custodial crew, students, staff and community members we will prepare the garden for our second season of growing healthy food for our students and local families in need.
The garden is located next to the girls softball field on Simon Crestway. If you are unavailable on Friday, but would like to participate, there will be many more opportunities to become involved such as:
- A Garden Sign is in the works and we will be asking students, local businesses and organizations to help with the decoration
- A Watershed to store tools and capture rainwater next to the garden is a project in development by Pay It Forward (payitforward@waunakee.k12.wi.us)
- Many vegetables will need to be planted between now and the end of the school year
- A calendar is available to volunteer your group, club, workplace or neighborhood to maintain the garden weekly throughout the 2011 summer months. Sign up at http://waunakeecommunitygarden.shutterfly.com/
We look forward to seeing you at the garden! Any questions, please contact Corina Rogers at crogers@waunakee.k12.wi.us.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Clean House and Help Schumacher Farm Park
The Friends of Schumacher Farm is hosting a Garage Sale in the Barn on Saturday, May 7, 2011.
Acceptable Donated Items Include: Furniture, household and houseware items, decor, tools, sporting equipment, toys, books and whatever you have, except for clothes and older electronics.
Drop off your old stuff between Tuesday, May 3rd through Thursday May 5th from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. or contact Lexi Kust at 608-850-3099 to make other arrangements. Drop off of smaller items can be anytime by placing them inside the back porch.
Come back for the sale on Saturday, May 7th from 7:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.+ during Waunakee's Village Wide Garage Sales and buy some new stuff. New stuff is so much better than old stuff!
The Board of Directors of Schumacher Farm Park thanks you for your support.
Acceptable Donated Items Include: Furniture, household and houseware items, decor, tools, sporting equipment, toys, books and whatever you have, except for clothes and older electronics.
Drop off your old stuff between Tuesday, May 3rd through Thursday May 5th from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. or contact Lexi Kust at 608-850-3099 to make other arrangements. Drop off of smaller items can be anytime by placing them inside the back porch.
Come back for the sale on Saturday, May 7th from 7:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.+ during Waunakee's Village Wide Garage Sales and buy some new stuff. New stuff is so much better than old stuff!
The Board of Directors of Schumacher Farm Park thanks you for your support.
Monday, April 25, 2011
MRD Compost Facility Changes
Beginning May 1, 2011, the MRD compost facility at 5211 Highway Q operated by 2nd Season Recycling will implement some rule changes. Residents of the City of Middleton and the Villages of Waunakee and Shorewood Hills may continue to bring the following items to the site at no charge: Brush, branches, limbs (up to 4” in diameter), wood chips, sawdust, grass clippings, leaves, plants, Christmas trees, stumps (clean) and clean wood (not painted or treated). No other items are accepted at the site. Residents of other communities and commercial operators are invited to use the compost facility subject to the drop-off rates posted at the site. Rates will be based on vehicle size; we would politely suggest you maximize your loads to experience the best value. The compost facility will be open seasonally from April 1 through November 30. Hours of operation for the MRD compost facility will be as follows:
Monday 7:00 am – 5:30 pm
Tuesday 7:00 am – 7:00 pm
Wednesday 7:00 am – 5:30 pm
Thursday 7:00 am – 7:00 pm
Friday 7:00 am – 5:30 pm
Saturday 7:00 am – 1:00 p.m.
Sunday Closed
Please plan your home projects accordingly. After-hours drop off is prohibited and is subject to fine. Our neighboring communities are fortunate to have the MRD compost facility to handle yard material processing. Diverting this material from the landfill is something our communities can be proud of. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have questions you may call the MRD compost facility at (608) 833-5339 during the hours of operation.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Friends of the Library Plant Sale
The Friends of the Waunakee Public Library will hold their second annual Plant Sale Friday and Saturday, May 6th and 7th. Held in conjunction with Garage Sale Days, the sale will run each day, rain or shine, from 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. (or until all donated plants are sold). You will find us and our huge variety of very reasonably priced annual and perennial plants outside the lower entrance to the library at 710 South Street. This year we have added a specially priced kids section of small flowering plants for Mother's Day gifts (available only to kids under 10). Look for our signs on South Street directing you to our location. The Friends of the Waunakee Public Library are your friends and neighbors who, through their fun-raising efforts and personal volunteering, strive to expand, strengthen and increase the programs, materials and services offered to all of us by our local library. Anyone with questions about this sale can call Rosemarie at 608-849-6578 or Fran at 608-849-8063.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Badger Honor Flight Scoopie Night at Culvers
Come out and help raise money to send the next group of Waunakee veterans to Washington DC in the Fall. Veterans who have flown on our prior flights will be there to share their trip experiences. Try a scoop of “Freedom Sundae” custard. This particular custard was created just for this event.
Date: Monday, May 2, 2011
Time: 4:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Locations: Waunakee and Madison East Towne Culver's
Monday, April 18, 2011
Waunakee Garage Sale Days
Wisconsin's Biggest Garage Sale Days May 5th, 6th & 7th
are almost here! Need more information? Call 608-850-3111
or email at info@waunakeegaragesalemap.com. Visit www.waunakeegaragesalemap.com for complete details.
To be included in the map, your information must be received
by April 27, 2011.
are almost here! Need more information? Call 608-850-3111
or email at info@waunakeegaragesalemap.com. Visit www.waunakeegaragesalemap.com for complete details.
To be included in the map, your information must be received
by April 27, 2011.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Easter Egg Hunt at Endres Manufacturing

Date: Saturday, April 16, 2011
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Place: Endres Manufacturing
802 South Century Avenue
Waunakee, WI 53597
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Waunakee Police Department April 2011 Newsletter
Waunakee Bicycle Rodeo
On Monday, April 25, 2011, the Waunakee Police Department will be holding its annual bike rodeo for kids interested in bicycling. The rodeo will be held in the lot of Heritage Elementary School at 501 South Street in Waunakee. The rodeo will start at 4:30 pm and end at 6:30 pm. There will be skill courses, safety information, free bike licenses, helmet check and bicycle safety stations.
2010 Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) Crime in Waunakee
The Wisconsin Office of Justice Assistance has provided crime statistics for 2010. Waunakee continues to be a very safe place to live. In 2010 there were a total of nine violent crimes in Waunakee, with two robberies and seven aggravated assaults. All nine of these cases were cleared by arrest. Per capita, violent crime in Waunakee is well below the state and national average. Burglary was down substantially, from 33 in 2009 to 18 in 2010. The value of property stolen in 2010 was $299,000, and $145,000 of that property was recovered. The overall clearance rate (number of cases cleared by arrest) for UCR crimes was 40%.
Spring Time Ordinance Reminders
- Burning – Open burning of material is not allowed within the village limits. This includes burning materials in the street or on sidewalks. Fires enclosed within fire pits which keep the fire off of the ground are acceptable. Other types of bonfires or the burning of grasses, leaves or vegetation require a permit or prior written approval from the Fire Chief.
- Raking - Raking leaves in the street or gutter is prohibited per village ordinances.
- Parks -
- Parks are closed from 10:30 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.
- No fires are allowed. Grills are okay, but are to be used in designated picnic areas.
- No glass beverage containers are allowed.
- No overnight camping allowed.
- The speed limit is 15 mph in all parks.
- Be Aware of School Zones - With the warmer weather come added pedestrians on sidewalks and roadways. This is especially true in school zones. Every school zone has a special speed limit sign posted. These signs insure drivers are aware they are traveling through a school zone. School zones have special speed limit restrictions, reducing speed limits to 15 MPH. The adjusted speed limit applies anytime children are present; whether the children are on the adjacent sidewalks, parking lots, or on the roadway. Penalties for violating school safety zone speed limits carry stiffer penalties than normal speeding violations.
- Storage of Boats, Trailers, Recreational Vehicles - The Police Department would like to remind residents of ordinances concerning the storage of large vehicles, boats and trailers. Waunakee village ordinances 94-84 covers this. Ordinance 94-84 requires that any large vehicle, defined as a truck, trailer, boat, snowmobile trailer, truck power unit, tractor, bus, recreational vehicle or any other vehicle or combination thereof that meets any of the following criteria... (a) Has a weight of more than 12,000 pounds; or (b) Has a length of greater than 21 feet; or (c) Has an enclosed area with a height of more than eight feet from the surface upon which it is located.... cannot be parked upon any street, avenue or public way located in a residential zoning district between the hours of 6:00 p.m. & 7:00 a.m. Parking and storage of large vehicles on private property is also governed under this ordinance. The restrictions are as follows: In residential zoning districts, it is permissible to park or store on private property a large vehicle under the following conditions: (1) Inside any enclosed structure, which structure otherwise conforms to the zoning requirements of the particular zoning district where located. (2) On a driveway, provided the large vehicle is not greater than 25 feet in length. (3) No more than one large vehicle may be parked or stored on a property. (4) No part of the large vehicle may extend into or over the public sidewalk or public right-of-way. (5) Parking is permitted only for parking or storage purposes. Large vehicles shall not be: a. Used for dwelling purposes. b. Permanently connected to wastewater or sanitary lines, water lines, or electricity. A large vehicle may be connected to electricity temporarily for charging batteries. c. Used for storage of goods, materials or equipment, other than those items considered to be part of the large vehicle or essential for its immediate use. (6) The large vehicle shall be owned by the resident who is occupying the property on which the large vehicle is parked for storage. Alternatively, the large vehicle shall be operated by the resident, who is occupying the property on which the large vehicle is parked, for reasons related to the resident's employment.
Questions can be sent to newsletter@waunakeepd.org. Questions submitted may be featured in future newsletters. The person submitting the question will not be identified.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Earth Day Clean Up

For all of those that would like to join Veolia and other volunteers, they will begin at Highway 19 and Raemisch Road at . Lunch will be provided to those participating.
Let’s get together and help the environment, starting at home in Waunakee.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Spring Leaf Collection

Village Center Celebrates 5 Year Anniversary

Be sure to stop in to the Village Center during this celebration week or for more details regarding the 5 Year Anniversary, information can be found at this link http://www.egovlink.com/public_documents300/waunakee/published_documents/Community Services Dept/5yearcelebration.pdf.
Spring Work Day at Schumacher Farm Park
Date: Sunday, May 1, 2011
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Place: 4682 Hwy 19, Waunakee, WI 53597 608-849-4559
Join friends as they spruce up the farm! Yard and garden work will be completed as well as cleaning out buildings, so be sure to bring gloves, rakes, loppers and garden tools. You may work the whole time or just what you wish. Please make sure to register at http://schumacherfarmpark.org/. We look forward to seeing you!
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Place: 4682 Hwy 19, Waunakee, WI 53597 608-849-4559
Join friends as they spruce up the farm! Yard and garden work will be completed as well as cleaning out buildings, so be sure to bring gloves, rakes, loppers and garden tools. You may work the whole time or just what you wish. Please make sure to register at http://schumacherfarmpark.org/. We look forward to seeing you!
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