Thursday, April 28, 2011

Garden of Dreams

Below is a message from the organizers of the Waunakee Community Garden.

It's time for the second season of the Garden of Dreams!
Friday, April 29th from 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. will be our first official work day of the season. We will be extending the garden to make room for 3 new raised beds. A sod cutter from Waunakee Rental and compost from the Dane County Highway 19 site were both donated again this year. With collaboration between our custodial crew, students, staff and community members we will prepare the garden for our second season of growing healthy food for our students and local families in need.
The garden is located next to the girls softball field on Simon Crestway. If you are unavailable on Friday, but would like to participate, there will be many more opportunities to become involved such as: 
  • A Garden Sign is in the works and we will be asking students, local businesses and organizations to help with the decoration
  • A Watershed to store tools and capture rainwater next to the garden is a project in development by Pay It Forward (
  • Many vegetables will need to be planted between now and the end of the school year
  • A calendar is available to volunteer your group, club, workplace or neighborhood to maintain the garden weekly throughout the 2011 summer months. Sign up at
We look forward to seeing you at the garden! Any questions, please contact Corina Rogers at