Rex's Innkeeper
301 North Century Avenue
Waunakee, Wisconsin
Sunday, April 28, 2013
5:30 PM
This is the 39th year of recognizing the efforts of local citizens to make Waunakee a wonderful community in which to live. All community members are invited and we extend a special invitation to all former winners to attend and be recognized for your past contributions. Cocktails and socializing will begin at 5:30 PM, dinner at 6:30 PM and the honors program will follow. Please join the civic and service clubs of your community in honoring these deserving individuals who so freely give of their time and talents to make the Waunakee area a great place to live and work.
Tickets are $18.00 a person. Please contact the following individuals to purchase tickets:
Lion Ray Kuehl @ 849-4000
Lion Dave Hineline @ 849-5507
Rex's Innkeeper