If you have questions or concerns, please contact the
Clerk’s office at 608-850-2827.
Waunablog is published by the Village of Waunakee as a way to share information regarding the Village's operations, programs and priorities.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Assessors Working in the Village
Associated Appraisal Consultants, Inc., the Village of
Waunakee’s contracted assessor, is currently performing field work in the
Village. You will recognize them by their logo which appears on their jackets
and vehicles. In addition, their license plate numbers usually begin with the
letters “APRAZ.” Each assessor also carries an introductory letter from the
Village. Properties that are being reviewed may include a property that had a
building permit in 2014 (whether new construction or remodel), a property that
sold in 2014, or a property where the property owner has requested a review.