Monday, December 21, 2015

Values and Priority Survey

How we grow matters. Where and how we build and connect buildings, roads, and parks affects our economic opportunities, our well-being, and the natural environment. In short, growth matters to what we care about and value.

Planning for future growth and transportation needs will position the region for success. The first step is the Greater Madison Region Values and Priorities Survey. This 20-minute anonymous survey will tell us about your feelings concerning the quality of life here and priorities for the future.

Please click HERE to complete the Values and Priorities Survey.

A Greater Madison Vision, an initiative of the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission, will use the survey results to engage you and your neighbors in conversations about how we grow. Drawing on shared values, community members will help define growth options, and select the option that best matches regional values. The outcome will be a vision and strategy for growth in the Greater Madison Region that generates real improvements to issues we care about. For more information go to

The Madison Area Transportation Planning Board, an MPO (MATPB) will use the survey results as a foundation for development of the vision, goals, and priorities for the MATPB’s Regional Transportation Plan 2050. For more information, go to

Please take the time to participate in this important survey to help us identify the shared values of people in the region.