Steeplechase Condominium Clubhouse
5636 Conway Glen
Thursday, April 6, 2017
9:30 AM-11:00 AM
The Dementia Friendly Waunakee Committee will sponsor its Memory Café at the Steeplechase Condominium Clubhouse. Signs will be posted to direct people to the Clubhouse. The Café provides a social gathering place and programs for those with mild cognitive impairment or early to mid-stage dementia, along with their family members or friends. Refreshments will be provided. The theme for April 6 is "Tea Time." Jen Rudis from Jenerate Wellness will make a presentation on teas and how they are served. More information can be obtained by calling the Waunakee Senior Center at 849-8385 or 849-8547. Memory Cafes will be conducted the first Thursday of each month. If the Waunakee schools are closed due to inclement weather, the Memory Café is cancelled.