Monday, October 23, 2017

Winter Brush Collection

Winter brush will be collected bi-weekly beginning October 30, 2017, weather permitting. Please have your brush out by the terrace by 7:00 AM  on Monday, with the cut ends toward the road. Please leave branches as long as possible as this will save you and our crews' time. Brush is considered limbs and branches from trees and large shrubs. All other woody vegetation such as plant stalks, small bush trimmings, etc. will not be collected. This type of material can be taken to the compost site on Highway Q south of the Village. If you have a contractor trim or prune your trees or bushes, they are responsible for the removal of the brush. Collection begins Monday and is completed within the week when Public Works has gone through the entire Village. If you have any questions about the collection, please call the Public Works/Parks Garage at (608) 849-5892.