Friday, December 28, 2018

Village of Waunakee Agenda - Week of December 30, 2018

The following official Village meetings will take place this coming week:

Parks and Recreation Committee - CANCELLED
January 2, 2019 - 5:30 PM
Village Center - 333 South Madison Street

EMS Commission
January 3, 2019 - 7:00 PM
EMS Station - 201 North Klein Drive

Check out the prior post on this topic:
Village of Waunakee Agenda - Week of December 23, 2018

Agendas may change prior to the commencement of the meeting. Agendas for these meetings will be posted at a minimum of three of the following official posting places:

Access Meeting Materials Online: Agendas and most meeting packets (which include related memos and other supporting materials) will be posted on the Village of Waunakee website utilizing the following link:

Waunakee Village Hall (500 West Main Street)Waunakee Senior Center (333 South Madison Street)Waunakee Police Station (205 North Klein Drive)Waunakee Utilities (322 Moravian Valley Road)Waunakee Public Library (710 South Street)Waunakee Public Works (504 Moravian Valley Road) Waunakee Village Center (333 South Madison Street)

You are welcome to contact Village Hall with any questions about these meetings at (608) 850-8500 or email us at

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Village Hall Closed

Village Hall
500 West Main Street
Monday, December, 31, 2018 (Closing at Noon)
Tuesday, January 1, 2019 (Closed)

Village Hall will be closed due to the New Year Holiday.  Normal business hours will resume on Wednesday, January 2, 2019.

Pellitteri New Year's Pick Up Schedule

Residents normally serviced on Tuesday, January 1, 2019 through Thursday, January 3, 2019 will be serviced one day later than their normal pickup day due to the New Year Holiday.

Please have carts out by 7:00 AM for collection. Please contact Pellitteri at (608) 257-4258 if you have any questions.

Friday, December 21, 2018

American Red Cross Blood Drive

Waunakee Village Center
333 South Madison Street
Friday, December 28, 2018
12:00 - 5:00 PM

Live Life. Give Life.
The American Red Cross Blood Drive in Waunakee will take place in the Community Room at the Village Center. To make an appointment, call (800) RED CROSS (733-2767) or visit use sponsor code Waunakee. Eat a healthy meal & drink an extra 16 oz of water before the donation.

East-West Bus Rapid Transit Survey

The City of Madison is exploring options for a new East-West Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line to make the transit system work faster and smarter.

BRT uses dedicated lanes where feasible and modern stations to provide fast and cost-efficient service to jobs, entertainment, and schools. Madison's BRT will complement existing Madison Metro routes and be the city's next big step toward a sustainable local transit system.

While the initial route is only in Madison, the benefits extend well beyond the route terminal and the city due to potential connections and eventual extensions. It is the longer trips for which BRT provides the biggest benefit due to the time savings that make transit more competitive with driving.

Please click the link below to take the survey:

Rapid Transit Survey

Village of Waunakee Agenda - Week of December 23, 2018

The following official Village meeting will take place this coming week:

Public Works Committee - CANCELLED
December 25, 2018 - 6:00 PM
Village Hall - 500 West Main Street

Check out the prior post on this topic:
Village of Waunakee Agenda - Week of December 16, 2018

Agendas may change prior to the commencement of the meeting. Agendas for these meetings will be posted at a minimum of three of the following official posting places:

Access Meeting Materials Online: Agendas and most meeting packets (which include related memos and other supporting materials) will be posted on the Village of Waunakee website utilizing the following link:

Waunakee Village Hall (500 West Main Street)Waunakee Senior Center (333 South Madison Street)Waunakee Police Station (205 North Klein Drive)Waunakee Utilities (322 Moravian Valley Road)Waunakee Public Library (710 South Street)Waunakee Public Works (504 Moravian Valley Road) Waunakee Village Center (333 South Madison Street)

You are welcome to contact Village Hall with any questions about these meetings at (608) 850-8500 or email us at

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

UW Badger Signed Barrel-Silent Auction

With only one Wisconsin Badger Barrels on Parade public art project, the final Badger Barrel will be silent auctioned off at Village Hall in Waunakee from December 3rd until January 4th. All the proceeds go to the Endres Manufacturing Foundation and the Arts in Waunakee. This would be a perfect gift for the fast approaching holidays!

The last Wisconsin Badger Barrel is different from the others sold in that it is stained red and includes the signatures of Paul Chryst (UW Football Head Coach), Kelly Sheffield (UW Volleyball Head Coach), and Greg Gard (UW Men's Basketball Head Coach). The barrel also includes an LED backlighting set.

To place your bid, please visit Village Hall at 500 W Main Street in Waunakee. Bidding has already commenced with our current bidder set at $700. Whether its stopping into pay taxes or to simply bid on this barrel, please make your way to Village Hall to learn more about this unique piece of art created by local artist, Abby Wilson.

Thank you to those who have already purchased these unique and custom made art pieces.

For more information about the project please click on the link below:

Badger Barrel

You may also contact Adam Bentley, Assistant Village Administrator at

Holiday Trash and Recycling

The holidays are a time for giving, but they can also generate a lot of extra waste. While it’s always better to try to reduce the amount of waste we create, having extra after the holidays is almost inevitable. Below are some guidelines on how to deal with those items.

The following seasonal items can be placed in your blue Pellitteri Recycling cart:
  • Gift boxes
  • Wrapping and tissue paper (NOT the foil-type)
  • Cardboard wrapping paper tubes 
  • Paper greeting cards (NO photo paper please) and gift tags
  • Envelopes
  • Cardboard (flatten, cut down to 4’ x 4’ sections or smaller)

Other items that can be recycled elsewhere:
  • Christmas trees – will be picked up by the Village (does not pertain to private streets) 
  • Christmas lights and electrical cords – drop off at Waunakee Neighborhood Connection - 208 S. Century Avenue
  • Styrofoam – #6 polystyrene (NO packing peanuts) can be dropped off at Uniek, Inc. in Waunakee - 805 Uniek Drive
Did You Know?  Additional recycling can be placed in a clear garbage bag (available at Ace Hardware) and placed next to your blue recycling cart. Pellitteri will pick this up at no charge with your regular recycling.
Special trash tags can be purchased for extra garbage that doesn’t fit in your brown trash cart. The tags are $15 for a sheet of 5 and are available at Village Hall - 500 West Main Street. 

Click the link below for more details:

Trash/Recycling Information

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Village Board Meeting on YouTube

The Village of Waunakee has uploaded the most recent Village Board meeting (12/17/2018) to YouTube. The meeting can be found by clicking the link below:

Village Board Meeting

For more information, please contact Adam Bentley, Assistant Village Administrator at or 608-850-2182.

Village Hall Closed

Village Hall
500 West Main Street
Monday, December, 24, 2018 (Closing at Noon)
Tuesday December 25, 2018 (Closed)

Village Hall will be closed due to the Christmas Holiday.  Normal business hours will resume on Wednesday, December 26, 2018.

Pellitteri Christmas Day Pick Up Schedule

Residents normally serviced on Tuesday, December 25, 2018 through Thursday, December 27, 2018 will be serviced one day later than their normal pickup day due to the Christmas Holiday.

Please have carts out by 7:00 AM for collection. Please contact Pellitteri at (608) 257-4258 if you have any questions.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Waunakee Housing Task Force Meeting on YouTube

The Village of Waunakee has uploaded the most recent Housing Task Force Meeting (12/13/2018) to YouTube. The meeting has two parts, please click on the links below:

12/13/2018 Part One

12/13/2018 Part Two

For more information, please contact Adam Bentley, Assistant Village Administrator at or 608-850-2182.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Tax Collection

Waunakee Village Hall
500 W Main St

Taxes can be paid at Village Hall during office hours. Please note the State Bank of Cross Plains in Waunakee also accepts tax payments in their lobby.

Village Hall Hours:
Monday through Friday - 7:00 AM - 4:15 PM
Monday, December 24 - 7:00 AM - Noon
Tuesday, December 25 - CLOSED
Monday, December 31 - 7:00 AM - Noon
Tuesday, January 1 - CLOSED

State Bank of Cross Plains
Waunakee Location
610 W Main St
Lobby Hours:
Monday through Friday - 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday - 9:00 AM - Noon
Monday, December 24 - 9:00 AM - Noon
Tuesday, December 25 - CLOSED
Monday, December 31 - 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday, January 1 - CLOSED

Village of Waunakee Agenda - Week of December 16, 2018

The following official Village meeting will take place this coming week:

Village Board
December 17, 2018 - 6:00 PM
Village Hall - 500 West Main Street

Utilities Commission
December 18, 2018 - 5:30 PM
Waunakee Utilities - 322 Moravian Valley Road

Neighborhood Listening Session
December 20, 2018 - 6:00 PM
Public Library - 710 South Street

Library Board
December 21, 2018 - 7:45 AM
Public Library - 710 South Street

Check out the prior post on this topic:
Village of Waunakee Agenda - Week of December 9, 2018

Agendas may change prior to the commencement of the meeting. Agendas for these meetings will be posted at a minimum of three of the following official posting places:

Access Meeting Materials Online: Agendas and most meeting packets (which include related memos and other supporting materials) will be posted on the Village of Waunakee website utilizing the following link:

Waunakee Village Hall (500 West Main Street)Waunakee Senior Center (333 South Madison Street)Waunakee Police Station (205 North Klein Drive)Waunakee Utilities (322 Moravian Valley Road)Waunakee Public Library (710 South Street)Waunakee Public Works (504 Moravian Valley Road) Waunakee Village Center (333 South Madison Street)

You are welcome to contact Village Hall with any questions about these meetings at (608) 850-8500 or email us at

New Village Board Meeting Agenda Available

To view the agenda for the December 17, 2018 Village Board meeting, please click on the link below:

December 17, 2018

Thursday, December 13, 2018

2019 Village of Waunakee Budget Presentation

The Village of Waunakee has uploaded the 2019 Waunakee Budget Presentation to YouTube given by Village Administrator Todd Schmidt and Finance Director Renee Meinholz. Please click on the link below:

2019 Budget Presentation

For more information, please contact Todd Schmidt, Village Administrator at or 608-850-8500.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

UW Badger Signed Barrel-Silent Auction

With only one Wisconsin badger barrel remaining from the Waunakee Barrels on Parade public art project, the final badger barrel will be silent auctioned off at Village Hall in Waunakee from December 3, 2018 until January 4, 2019. All the proceeds go to the Endres Manufacturing Foundation and the Arts in Waunakee. This would be a perfect gift for the holidays!

The last Wisconsin Badger Barrel is different from the others sold in that it is stained red and includes the signatures of Paul Chryst (UW Football Head Coach), Kelly Sheffield (UW Volleyball Head Coach), and Greg Gard (UW Men’s Basketball Head Coach). The barrel also includes an LED backlighting set.

To place your bid, please visit Village hall at 500 West Main Street in Waunakee. Bidding has already commenced with our current bidder set at $600. Whether its stopping in to pay taxes or to simply bid on this barrel, please make your way to Village Hall to learn more about this unique piece of art created by local artist Abby Wilson.

Thank you to those who have already purchased these unique and custom made art pieces.

For more information about the project please visit or contact Adam Bentley, Assistant Village Administrator at

Plan Commission Meeting on YouTube

The Village of Waunakee has uploaded the most recent Plan Commission meeting (12/10/2018) to YouTube. The meeting can be found by clicking the link below:

For more information, please contact Adam Bentley, Assistant Village Administrator at or 608-850-2182.

Monday, December 10, 2018

This Holiday Season Consider Helping Our Neighbors in Need

With your support, Waunakee Neighborhood Connection (WNC) will provide its annual holiday programs for families and seniors in the greater Waunakee area who are in need of assistance, particularly during this special season.

The Christmas meal, Adopt-a-Family, and Kids’ Shopping events help ensure that everyone in our community has a happy holiday. Your gift will also extend the warmth of the holiday season throughout the year with ongoing programs that provide clothing, household items, furniture, and support services that make it possible for neighbors in need to move from difficult times to thriving.

With a donation of $25, you can provide a family of 4-6 with the fixings for a wonderful meal including a ham, potatoes, green beans, fruit, gravy and pie.

Larger gifts will support multiple families with a Christmas meal and year-round programs that make Waunakee a stronger and more connected community.

Donate by check or online at

Click the link below for more details:

WNC Holiday Appeal

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Hero Club Breakfast with Santa

Waunakee High School Commons
301 Community Drive
Sunday, December 16, 2018
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM

The Annual Hero Club Santa Pancake Breakfast will be held in the WHS Commons. Bring your cameras and take your Christmas photos with Santa. All are welcome to come and join in the festivities of the morning. The cost is $5 per person, children 5 and under are free.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Old Befana - A Magical Holiday Musical!

Waunakee Village Center
333 South Madison Street
Saturday, December 15, 2018
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

The Waunakee Village Center and Culver's, along with the Friends of the Waunakee Public Library, will present a holiday musical featuring Ken Lonnquist and Friends.

Click the link below for more details:

Old Befana Flyer

Village of Waunakee Agenda - Week of December 9, 2018

The following official Village meeting will take place this coming week:

Plan Commission
December 10, 2018 - 6:00 PM
Village Hall - 500 West Main Street

Joint Plan Commission
December 11, 2018 - 6:00 PM
Westport Town Hall - 5387 Mary Lake Road

Waunakee Housing Task Force
December 13, 2018 - 5:30 PM
Village Center - 333 South Madison Street

EMS Commission
December 13, 2018 - 7:00 PM
Waunakee EMS - 201 North Klein Drive

Check out the prior post on this topic:
Village of Waunakee Agenda - Week of December 2, 2018

Agendas may change prior to the commencement of the meeting. Agendas for these meetings will be posted at a minimum of three of the following official posting places:

Access Meeting Materials Online: Agendas and most meeting packets (which include related memos and other supporting materials) will be posted on the Village of Waunakee website utilizing the following link:

Waunakee Village Hall (500 West Main Street)Waunakee Senior Center (333 South Madison Street)Waunakee Police Station (205 North Klein Drive)Waunakee Utilities (322 Moravian Valley Road)Waunakee Public Library (710 South Street)Waunakee Public Works (504 Moravian Valley Road) Waunakee Village Center (333 South Madison Street)

You are welcome to contact Village Hall with any questions about these meetings at (608) 850-8500 or email us at

Thursday, December 6, 2018

New Joint Plan Commission Agenda Available

To view the agenda for the December 11, 2018 Joint Plan Commission meeting, please click the link below:


New Plan Commission Agenda Available

To view the agenda for the Decemer 10, 2018 Plan Commission meeting, please click the link below:

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Workshop on Wellness: Mind Body Eating

Waunakee Village Center
333 S Madison Street
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
7:00 PM

The Waunakee Village Center and the Waunakee Lions Club are pleased to offer a workshop on "Mind Body Eating".  The program will be presented by Mind Body Eating Coach, Mary Hall.  WOW programs are free and offered the 2nd Wednesday of every month.

Village Board Meeting on YouTube

The Village of Waunakee has uploaded the most recent Village Board meeting (12/3/2018) to YouTube. The meeting can be found by clicking the link below:

Village Board Meeting

For more information, please contact Adam Bentley, Assistant Village Administrator at or 608-850-2182.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Waunakee Police Department December Newsletter

To view the Waunakee Police Department December newsletter, please click the link below:


Friday, November 30, 2018

Village of Waunakee Agenda - Week of December 2, 2018

The following official Village meeting will take place this coming week:

Village Board
December 3, 2018 - 6:00 PM
Village Hall - 500 West Main Street

WaunaBoom Committee
December 4, 2018 - 6:30 PM
Village Center - 333 South Madison Street

Parks and Recreation Committee
December 5, 2018 - 6:00 PM
Village Center - 333 South Madison Street

Check out the prior post on this topic:
Village of Waunakee Agenda - Week of November 25, 2018

Agendas may change prior to the commencement of the meeting. Agendas for these meetings will be posted at a minimum of three of the following official posting places:

Access Meeting Materials Online: Agendas and most meeting packets (which include related memos and other supporting materials) will be posted on the Village of Waunakee website utilizing the following link:

Waunakee Village Hall (500 West Main Street)Waunakee Senior Center (333 South Madison Street)Waunakee Police Station (205 North Klein Drive)Waunakee Utilities (322 Moravian Valley Road)Waunakee Public Library (710 South Street)Waunakee Public Works (504 Moravian Valley Road) Waunakee Village Center (333 South Madison Street)

You are welcome to contact Village Hall with any questions about these meetings at (608) 850-8500 or email us at

UW Badger Signed Barrel-Silent Auction

With only one Wisconsin badger barrel remaining from the Waunakee Barrels on Parade public art project, the final badger barrel will be silent auctioned off at Village Hall in Waunakee from December 3rd until January 4th.   All the proceeds go to the Endres Manufacturing Foundation and the Arts in Waunakee.  This would be a perfect gift for the holidays!
The last Wisconsin Badger Barrel is different from the others sold in that it is stained red and includes the signatures of Paul Chryst (UW Football Head Coach), Kelly Sheffield (UW Volleyball Head Coach), and Greg Gard (UW Men’s Basketball Head Coach).  The barrel also includes an LED backlighting set.
To place your bid, please visit Village hall at 500 West Main Street in Waunakee.  Thank you to those who have already purchased these unique and custom made art pieces.  
For more information about the project please visit or contact Adam Bentley, Assistant Village Administrator at

Annual Senior Citizen Christmas Party

St. John's School Cafeteria 
114 East Third Street
Sunday, December 9, 2018
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM 

The annual Senior Citizen Christmas Party sponsored by the Waunakee Area Lioness Club is a great way to start the holiday season! Bingo, door prizes, entertainment and a delicious lunch will be served.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

New Village Board Meeting Agenda Available

To view the agenda for the December 3, 2018 Village Board meeting, please click on the link below:

December 3, 2018

December Horizons Newsletter

The December Horizons newsletter has arrived! Please click the link below for more details:

Waunakee Memory Café

Steeplechase Condominiums Clubhouse
5636 Conway Glen
First Thursday of each month
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

A Memory Café is designed for persons with mild cognitive impairment or early to mid-stage dementia, along with a family member or friend. Activities will be tailored to the interests of the participants.

Waunakee's Memory Café is sponsored by Dementia Friendly Waunakee, the Waunakee Senior Center and the Alzheimer's and
Dementia Alliance of Wisconsin.

For more information, call the Waunakee Senior Center at
608-849-8385 or 608-849-8547.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Horrible Holiday Sweater Shuffle

Lone Girl Brewing Company
114 East Main Street #101
Saturday, December 1, 2018
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Grab your friends, family and your favorite horrible holiday sweater and join us for the 5th annual Horrible Holiday Sweater Shuffle (HHSS) benefiting WNC. This 5k walk/run “Shuffle” kicks off at our co-host The Lone Girl Brewing Company and takes you through the streets of Waunakee on a fun filled Holiday themed excursion including a pre-shuffle kick off, candy stations along the route and a post-shuffle holiday party including awards for the best Horrible Holiday Sweaters. This family friendly event has something for ALL!

Click the link below fore more details:

Horrible Holiday Sweater Shuffle

Rotary in Lights

Village Park
500 East Main Street
November 25-December 31, 2018
5:00 PM - 9:00 PM Nightly

Rotary In Lights are brought to you by the Waunakee Rotary Club along with assistance from the Waunakee Lions Club and the Waunakee Knights of Columbus.

Rotary Lights are the culmination of months of planning and several work days by volunteer Rotarians. The effort is funded by generous donations of the community businesses depicted in the yearly brochure.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Light the Night with Santa

Friday, November 30, 2018
Main Street
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Kick off the holiday season in Waunakee by joining your neighbors at this downtown celebration! Start at the Main Street roundabout where Santa will arrive on a horse drawn wagon. Watch the official lighting of the roundabout Christmas tree then stroll with Santa down Main Street. Enjoy the holiday light displays while visiting local shops, the Depot and Rotary in Lights at Village Park. Holiday music, performances, train exhibit, treats, free wagon rides & shopping specials are just a few highlights of this fun-filled evening.

Santa and Mrs. Claus at the Village Center

Waunakee Village Center
333 South Madison Street
Saturday December 1, 2018
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Families can spend the afternoon making crafts and enjoy apple cider, hot chocolate and cookies while listening to live holiday music. Parents are encouraged to bring cameras so they can take pictures of the kids with Santa and Mrs. Claus. This event is co-sponsored by the Waunakee Rotary Club.

Village of Waunakee Agenda - Week of November 26, 2018

The following official Village meeting will take place this coming week:

Utilities Commission
November 26, 2018 - 5:30 PM
Waunakee Utilities - 322 Moravian Valley Road

Fire District Board
November 27, 2018 - 6:30 PM
Waunakee Fire Department - 401 West Second Street

Public Works Committee - CANCELLED
November 27, 2018 - 6:00 PM
Village Hall - 500 West Main Street

Check out the prior post on this topic:
Village of Waunakee Agenda - Week of November 18, 2018

Agendas may change prior to the commencement of the meeting. Agendas for these meetings will be posted at a minimum of three of the following official posting places:

Access Meeting Materials Online: Agendas and most meeting packets (which include related memos and other supporting materials) will be posted on the Village of Waunakee website utilizing the following link:

Waunakee Village Hall (500 West Main Street)Waunakee Senior Center (333 South Madison Street)Waunakee Police Station (205 North Klein Drive)Waunakee Utilities (322 Moravian Valley Road)Waunakee Public Library (710 South Street)Waunakee Public Works (504 Moravian Valley Road) Waunakee Village Center (333 South Madison Street)

You are welcome to contact Village Hall with any questions about these meetings at (608) 850-8500 or email us at

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Village Board Meeting on YouTube

The Village of Waunakee has uploaded the most recent Village Board meeting (11/19/2018) to YouTube. The meeting can be found by clicking the link below:

For more information, please contact Adam Bentley, Assistant Village Administrator at or 608-850-2182.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Village of Waunakee Agenda - Week of November 18, 2018

The following official Village meeting will take place this coming week:

Village Board
November 19, 2018 - 6:00 PM
Village Hall - 500 West Main Street

Check out the prior post on this topic:
Village of Waunakee Agenda - Week of November 11, 2018

Agendas may change prior to the commencement of the meeting. Agendas for these meetings will be posted at a minimum of three of the following official posting places:

Access Meeting Materials Online: Agendas and most meeting packets (which include related memos and other supporting materials) will be posted on the Village of Waunakee website utilizing the following link:

Waunakee Village Hall (500 West Main Street)Waunakee Senior Center (333 South Madison Street)Waunakee Police Station (205 North Klein Drive)Waunakee Utilities (322 Moravian Valley Road)Waunakee Public Library (710 South Street)Waunakee Public Works (504 Moravian Valley Road) Waunakee Village Center (333 South Madison Street)

You are welcome to contact Village Hall with any questions about these meetings at (608) 850-8500 or email us at

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Pellitteri Thanksgiving Day Pick Up Schedule

Residents normally serviced on Thursday, November 22, 2018 will be serviced one day later than their normal pickup day due to the Thanksgiving Day Holiday.

Please have carts out by 7:00 AM for collection. Please contact Pellitteri at (608) 257-4258 if you have any questions.

Village Hall Closed

Village Hall
500 West Main Street
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Friday, November 23, 2018

Village Hall will be closed due to the Thanksgiving Holiday.  Normal business hours will resume on Monday, November 26, 2018.

Winter Wine Walk

Downtown Waunakee
Saturday, December 7, 2018
5:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Waunakee Professional Women host an annual Winter Wine Walk. Stop into local businesses for your 1 oz pour of a red and white wine.

Tickets go on sale Saturday, November 17, 2018 at 9:00 AM and are available until they are sold out! To purchase tickets, visit The Red Barn Company Store or Weaver Auto Parts in Waunakee! Only 500 tickets are available and 10 tickets purchased per person! Cash or Check only!

Click the link below for more details:

New Village Board Meeting Agenda Available

To view the agenda for the November 19, 2018 Village Board meeting, please click on the link below:

November 19, 2018

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Final Fall Leaf Collection

The fall leaf collection will end on Friday, November 30, 2018. Please remember to keep the branches and leaves separate from each other. Both items must be on the terrace in front of your house, not in the road. There will be no leaf collection in the alleys. Leaves in plastic bags will NOT be collected.

Crime Prevention Tips

Please click the link below for crime prevention tips from the Waunakee Police Department:

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Waunakee Community Band Holiday Concert

Waunakee High School
Performing Arts Center
301 Community Drive
Sunday, December 2, 2018
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

The Waunakee Community Band is hosting a Holiday concert at the Performing Arts Center. Special guests will be the Holiday Chorus directed by Jerry Johnson. Special treats for the kids and a reception to follow. Come and enjoy the beginning of the Holiday Season, the admission is free!

Housing Task Force on YouTube

The Village of Waunakee has uploaded the most recent Housing Task Force meeting (11/8/2018) to YouTube. Please click on the link below:

Housing Task Force

For more information, please contact Adam Bentley, Assistant Village Administrator at or 608-850-2182.

Monday, November 12, 2018

WNC Horrible Holiday Sweater Shuffle

Lone Girl Brewing Company
114 East Main Street #101
Saturday, December 1, 2018
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Grab your friends, family and your favorite horrible holiday sweater and join us for the 5th annual Horrible Holiday Sweater Shuffle (HHSS) benefiting WNC. This 5k walk/run “Shuffle” kicks off at our co-host The Lone Girl Brewing Company and takes you through the streets of Waunakee on a fun filled Holiday themed excursion including a pre-shuffle kick off, candy stations along the route and a post-shuffle holiday party including awards for the best Horrible Holiday Sweaters. This family friendly event has something for ALL!

Click the link below fore more details:

Horrible Holiday Sweater Shuffle

Holiday Crafts with Nature

Schumacher Farm Park
5682 Highway 19
Saturday, December 8, 2018
1:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Relax at the farmhouse for an afternoon of traditional holiday crafts, inspired by nostalgia and natural patterns. Popcorn & cranberry garland, orange-clove pomanders, pine cones with suet, fabric ball ornaments, and more. Join us for a little music and mulled cider, go home with some make-n-take holiday cheer.  Registration required. ($8 general admission)

Click the link below for more details:

Schumacher Farm Park Christmas Teas

Schumacher Farm Park
5682 Hwy 19
Saturday, December 1 at 4:00 PM
Sunday December 2 at 1:00 PM
Member $15, Non-members $18

Make your reservations today for Schumacher Farm's annual holiday tea. Warm wassail and tea will be served on our best china with three courses of light holiday fare. Throughout the event you will be entertained with traditional holiday music and stories. Sunday session is already full.

Space in the farmhouse is limited. Reservations required. Call (608) 849-4559 or click the link below:

Holiday Tea

National Family Volunteer Day

Waunakee Neighborhood Connection
208 South Century Avenue
Saturday, November 17, 2018
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Are you and your family looking for a way to give back to the community? Volunteer at the Waunakee Neighborhood Connection with your family on National Family Volunteer Day.

Click the link below for more details:


Winning Wednesdays at Papa Murphy's

Papa Murphy's Take 'N' Bake Pizza
219 South Century Avenue
November 14, 2018
November 28, 2018
December 5, 2018

Papa Murphy’s Pizza has once again partnered with Waunakee Neighborhood Connection to bring you Winning Wednesdays at Papa Murphy’s! When you purchase a delicious take and bake pizza from Papa Murphy’s on the Wednesdays listed above, 10% of your purchase will be donated back to the WNC to support our programs and local families!

Register for a FREE Christmas Meal

Waunakee Neighborhood Connection in collaboration with Waunakee Intermediate School and the Waunakee Community, is proud to offer our Annual Christmas Dinner FREE to individuals, families and seniors who live in the Waunakee School District or the Town of Dane, that are in need and would appreciate some extra help this Christmas.

Please call us at (608) 849-5740 or email us at by Friday, December 7th to register for this year’s Christmas meal. All meals will be delivered to your address by community volunteers on Saturday, December 15th from 10:30AM-12:30PM.

Click the link below for more details: 

Friday, November 9, 2018

Friends of the Library Annual Holiday Craft Fair, Bake Sale & Book Sale

Saturday, November 17, 2018
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Waunakee Intermediate School
6273 Woodland Drive

The Friends of the Waunakee Public Library sponsor this annual event and each year it gets bigger and better! Hand made items including textiles, ornaments and wreaths, specialty foods, art, centerpieces, home décor, doll clothes, candles, soaps, cards, embroidered sweaters, quilted items and so much more! All proceeds benefit the Waunakee Public Library. Admission is free.

Village of Waunakee Agenda - Week of November 11, 2018

The following official Village meetings will take place this coming week:

Tourism Commission - CANCELLED
November 12, 2018 - 9:00 AM
Village Hall - 500 West Main Street

Economic Development Commission - CANCELLED
November 12, 2018 - 5:00 PM
Village Hall - 500 West Main Street

Plan Commission - CANCELLED
November 12, 2018 - 6:00 PM
Village Hall - 500 West Main Street

Joint Plan Commission - CANCELLED
November 13, 2018
Westport Town Hall - 5387 Mary Lake Road

Library Board
November 16, 2018 - 7:45 AM
Waunakee Public Library - 710 South Street

Check out the prior post on this topic:
Village of Waunakee Agenda - Week of November 4, 2018

Agendas may change prior to the commencement of the meeting. Agendas for these meetings will be posted at a minimum of three of the following official posting places:

Access Meeting Materials Online: Agendas and most meeting packets (which include related memos and other supporting materials) will be posted on the Village of Waunakee website utilizing the following link:

Waunakee Village Hall (500 West Main Street)Waunakee Senior Center (333 South Madison Street)Waunakee Police Station (205 North Klein Drive)Waunakee Utilities (322 Moravian Valley Road)Waunakee Public Library (710 South Street)Waunakee Public Works (504 Moravian Valley Road) Waunakee Village Center (333 South Madison Street)

You are welcome to contact Village Hall with any questions about these meetings at (608) 850-8500 or email us at

Creative Wall at the Hall with Gina Hecht

Would you like to learn more about the modern impressionistic style of painting? Would you like to see how each of Gina's paintings captures the process of applying many layers of paint to create depth and vibrancy? Do you wish to support the local initiative promoting creativity and innovation in Waunakee? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, please make plans to stop in at the Village Hall during business hours for the months of November and December. You'll have the chance to view the paintings and learn more about Gina's artistic talents.

Partisan Office and Referendum November 6, 2018 Preliminary Results

Please click the link below for the Partisan Office and Referendum preliminary results from the November 6, 2018 election.

Preliminary Results

Winter Rules and Regulations

To get all the answers for the current winter rules and regulations for the Village such as snowmobile use in our Village, Christmas tree pick-up, alternate parking, snow in the streets, trash/recycle container placement, our mailbox policy, and clearing snow around the fire hydrants, please click the link below for more details:

Winter Rules and Regulations

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Workshop on Wellness: Diabetes

Waunakee Village Center
333 S Madison Street
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
7:00 PM

The Waunakee Village Center and the Waunakee Lions Club are pleased to offer a workshop on the topic of diabetes.  The program will be presented by Anne Schroeder and Courtney Titus of SSM Health.  WOW programs are free and offered the 2nd Wednesday of every month.

Village Board Meeting on YouTube

The Village of Waunakee has uploaded the most recent Village Board meeting (11/5/2018) to YouTube. The meeting can be found by clicking the link below:

Village Board Meeting

For more information, please contact Adam Bentley, Assistant Village Administrator at or 608-850-2182.

Village Seeks Input on Downtown Parking

The Village of Waunakee is in the process of completing a downtown parking study. The study is to provide data on the current and future parking needs in the downtown. The final report will provide information about the capacity and use of existing parking facilities in the downtown. As part of the process we are seeking input from the public and business owners. The survey is intended to create opportunities to hear from people who park downtown, understand business parking needs, and develop parking strategies that support community goals for economic development, housing, and transportation in our downtown. The survey has 8 questions and 1 comment column which takes about 2-5 minutes to finish. Your feedback is important and will be included in our analysis. The survey can be accessed through the link below and will be accepted until November 30, 2018.

Downtown Parking Survey

Monday, November 5, 2018

A Greater Madison Vision Scenario Survey Now Live

If you live, work or play in the Greater Madison Region, help future leaders learn what is most important to you!

A Greater Madison Vision's scenario survey went live today, and Dane County residents and visitors can take the 10-minute online survey to share their views on how the region should grow and develop.

The online survey shows four alternative futures dealing with housing, jobs, transportation, roads, rural preservation, water and the environment. Residents can choose from alternative futures focusing on innovation, conservation, community and self-reliance and provide their opinion on how the region should grow.

Anyone high school age or older who lives, works or spends time in Dane County is encouraged to take the survey.

Click the link below to start the survey:

Waunakee Police Department November Newsletter

To view the Waunakee Police Department November newsletter, please click the link below:


Village of Waunakee/Town of Westport Joint Plan Commission Meeting - CANCELLED

The November 13, 2018 Joint Plan Commission Meeting has been cancelled. Please click on the link below for more information.

Joint Plan

Saturday, November 3, 2018

New Village Board Meeting Agenda Available

To view the agenda for the November 5, 2018 Village Board meeting, please click the link below:

November 5, 2018

Friday, November 2, 2018

New Plan Commission Agenda Available

To view the agenda for the October 8, 2018 Plan Commission meeting, please click the link below:

Village of Waunakee Agenda - Week of November 4, 2018

The following official Village meetings will take place this coming week:

Village Board
November 5, 2018 - 6:00 PM
Village Hall - 500 West Main Street

Waunakee Police Commission
November 6, 2018 - 6:30 PM
Waunakee Police Department - 205 North Klein Drive

Parks and Recreation Committee
November 7, 2018 - 5:30 PM
Village Center - 333 South Madison Street

Waunakee Housing Task Force
November 8, 2018 - 5:30 PM
Village Center - 333 South Madison Street

EMS Commission
November 8, 2018 - 7:00 PM
Waunakee Area EMS - 201 North Klein Drive

Check out the prior post on this topic:
Village of Waunakee Agenda - Week of November 4, 2018

Agendas may change prior to the commencement of the meeting. Agendas for these meetings will be posted at a minimum of three of the following official posting places:

Access Meeting Materials Online: Agendas and most meeting packets (which include related memos and other supporting materials) will be posted on the Village of Waunakee website utilizing the following link:

Waunakee Village Hall (500 West Main Street)Waunakee Senior Center (333 South Madison Street)Waunakee Police Station (205 North Klein Drive)Waunakee Utilities (322 Moravian Valley Road)Waunakee Public Library (710 South Street)Waunakee Public Works (504 Moravian Valley Road) Waunakee Village Center (333 South Madison Street)

You are welcome to contact Village Hall with any questions about these meetings at (608) 850-8500 or email us at

Public Works Improvements Update - Week of November 5, 2018

To view the Public Works Improvements for the week of November 5, 2018,  please click on the link below:

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Get Out and Vote!

General Election
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
333 S Madison Street
7:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Friday is the Last Day to Vote Absentee at Village Hall!

Only two more days to vote an absentee ballot at the Village Hall! Visit us at 500 West Main Street, if you are a resident of the Village. We are ready and happy to assist you and don't forget your Photo I.D.!

Are you a resident of the Village of Waunakee and need to register to vote? We are here and ready to assist you with that too! Friday is the last day you can register before the election. After Friday you will be able to register at the polls on election day, Tuesday November 6.

Village Hall Hours of Operation:

Thursday, November 1  7:00 AM - 4:15 PM
Friday, November 2  7:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Visit Bring it to the Ballot for any questions you may have or feel free to call the Village Clerk's office at 608-850-8500.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Barrels on Parade

In collaboration with Abby Wilson Painting, Endres Manufacturing, and Springfield Welding and Manufacturing , the 2018 Village of Waunakee’s Public Art Project highlights historic Waunakee, Downtown Madison, and the University of Wisconsin. Local artist, Abby Wilson was commissioned and designed artistic metal renderings that have been affixed to ten wooden barrels. Springfield Welding and Manufacturing, in partnership with Endres Manufacturing, assisted in translating the designs to metal, rolling and rendering the plates, and attaching the plates to the barrels. Each of the three designs will be featured on 3 of the barrels with one special barrel, stained red, signed with University of Wisconsin Athletic Coaches. 

Barrels are on display throughout the community in mostly high traffic locations including the Village Center, the Waunakee Public Library, Rex’s Inkeeper, Lone Girl, and Village Hall. If you have an interest in purchasing a barrel for your home or business, please contact Adam Bentley, Assistant Village Administrator at or at 608-850-2182. Proceeds raised by barrel sales will go to the Endres Manufacturing Company Foundation, and to the Village of Waunakee, in its continued support of similar artistic endeavors. The Village sincerely appreciates the work of all our partners on this project, many of which donated their time, talents, and labor in ensuring this project was successful.

To see pictures of the barrels, please visit:

Election Day Bake Sale

Waunakee Senior Center
333 South Madison Street
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
8:00 AM until baked goods sell out

The Senior Center is having a Bake Sale on Election Day! When you come to vote, please stop and shop for some delicious homemade treats, made by the many talented people that bring in their freshly baked pies, cookies, muffins, cakes, breads, and treats of all sorts. All proceeds benefit the Senior Center.

Attention Bakers: We are also asking for your help, we need your delicious donated baked goods to pull this off. Feel free to dig out those wonderful recipes and bake to your heart's content. Please know that we very much appreciate and welcome any donated baked goods. Items must be dropped off at the Senior Center on Monday, November 5 between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM.

Vote an Absentee Ballot at the Village Hall Today!

You can come early to vote an absentee ballot at the Village Hall! Visit us at 500 West Main Street, if you are a resident of the Village. We are ready and happy to assist you and don't forget your Photo I.D.!

Are you a resident of the Village of Waunakee and need to register to vote? We are here and ready to assist you with that too!

Hours of Operation:

Monday, October 29   7:00 AM - 4:15 PM
Tuesday, October 30  7:00 AM - 4:15 PM
Wednesday, October 31  7:00 AM - 4:15 PM
Thursday, November 1  7:00 AM - 4:15 PM
Friday, November 2  7:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Visit Bring it to the Ballot for any questions you may have or feel free to call the Village Clerk's office at 608-850-8500.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Alternate Parking Begins

The Village of Waunakee's alternate side parking Ordinance Sec. 70-122(3) will be in effect from 12 midnight through 6:00 A.M. from November 1 to April 1. To ensure you are not in violation, please follow these steps:
  • Think of what the date will be between the hours of 2:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M.
  • If the date is even numbered, park on the even house numbered side of the street.
  • If the date is odd numbered, park on the odd house numbered side of the street.
If possible, please keep parked vehicles off the streets when it snows.

*Does not apply to private streets.

Village of Waunakee Agenda - Week of October 28, 2018

The following official Village meetings will take place this coming week:

Public Works Committee
October 29, 2018 - 5:30 PM
Village Hall - 500 West Main Street

Joint Waunakee Westport Public Works Committee
October 29, 2018 - 6:30 PM
Village Hall - 500 West Main Street

Preliminary Design of CTH M Public Information Meeting
October 30, 2018 - 6:30 PM
Westport Town Hall - 5387 Mary Lake Road

Check out the prior post on this topic:
Village of Waunakee Agenda - Week of October 21, 2018

Agendas may change prior to the commencement of the meeting. Agendas for these meetings will be posted at a minimum of three of the following official posting places:

Access Meeting Materials Online: Agendas and most meeting packets (which include related memos and other supporting materials) will be posted on the Village of Waunakee website utilizing the following link:

Waunakee Village Hall (500 West Main Street)Waunakee Senior Center (333 South Madison Street)Waunakee Police Station (205 North Klein Drive)Waunakee Utilities (322 Moravian Valley Road)Waunakee Public Library (710 South Street)Waunakee Public Works (504 Moravian Valley Road) Waunakee Village Center (333 South Madison Street)

You are welcome to contact Village Hall with any questions about these meetings at (608) 850-8500 or email us at

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Village Clerk Position Opening

The Village of Waunakee (population 13,535) is currently recruiting for a Village Clerk, a senior member of the Village’s management team.  This individual will work collaboratively with Village elected officials, appointed officials, staff, and the community to continue the success and growth the Village has experienced.

Ideal candidates will have demonstrated knowledge and experience in the operation of municipal government including agenda and meeting preparation and recording of official minutes, the performance and oversight of operational activities and administrative duties related to managing the department budget as well as office practices, systems, and policies, election administration as required by law, among other responsibilities.

Minimum qualifications are a bachelor’s degree in business management, public administration, or a closely related field, and three to five years of related experience, or an equivalent combination of education and experience.

Interested candidates are encouraged to submit a cover letter, resume, credentials, and a completed application with three professional references no later than Friday, November 2nd, 2018 to Adam Bentley, Assistant Village Administrator / Human Resources Manager, 500 W. Main Street, Waunakee, Wisconsin.  For more information about this opportunity, please visit

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Public Works Improvements Update - Week of October 29, 2018

To view the Public Works Improvements for the week of October 29, 2018, please click on the link below:

October 29, 2018

Make a Difference Day - Saturday, October 27,2018

Waunakee Neighborhood Connection
208 S Century Avenue
Saturday, October 27, 2018
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Since it began in 1992, Make a Difference Day has inspired hundreds of volunteers to become engaged in their local communities. As Waunakee Neighborhood Connection works to build a stronger community, this special day of service provides us a great opportunity to be open on a weekend to allow Waunakee community members to access our WNC Store, which is usually open only on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

We invite you to visit Waunakee Neighborhood Connection for one or more of the following:
  • Donate clothing, household goods, and other items that can be made available to our clients.
  • Volunteer, either individually or with family and friends.
  • If you are in need of our services, register as a client. Registration will take place from      10:00 AM -12 Noon. Please bring a photo ID and proof of residency (e.g., utility bill or lease).
Click on the link below for a complete list of acceptable items for donation:
WNC website

To sign up to become a volunteer, please click on the link below: