333 S. Madison Street
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
9:00 AM - 6:30 PM
Village of Waunakee staff will be available to register new voters, voters who have moved, and voters who have changed their names. How do you know if you need to register? Go to
https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/MyVoterInfo and search your name and date of birth. If the search is successful in locating your information and your name and current address are correct, you don't need to do anything more...unless, of course, you move or change your name between now and Election Day on November 6, 2018. If the search is unsuccessful, then most likely you will need to register. You need to provide a proof of residence document when registering which includes your current name and residential address in the Village of Waunakee: a valid State of Wisconsin driver license or ID, real estate tax bill, bank statement, paycheck, residential lease, or utility bill. Avoid delays and long lines on Election Day and take this opportunity to register ahead of time!