ZOOM Webinar
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Please join Village President Chris Zellner for a Neighborhood Listening Session via Zoom Webinar from 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM on Wednesday, July 8, 2020. Listening sessions are held several times throughout the year. Anyone is welcome to attend.
The purpose of the listening session is to give Village residents the opportunity to meet informally with Village President Chris Zellner and members of the Village’s management team to discuss issues and ask questions. Topics of discussion can cover a variety of issues including Waunakee’s growth, improvements and current projects, conditions of the neighborhood, traffic, public safety issues, or any other Village-related issues.
We are eager to hear from you and your neighbors in this virtual setting. There are two ways to participate:
• PREFERRED METHOD: Participate on-line in Zoom webinar by using this link to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82173407475. A computer (with audio/microphone), tablet, or smart phone will allow participation.
• Call (312) 626-6799, and enter Webinar ID: 821 7340 7475. Those requiring toll-free options are asked to contact Village Hall for details prior to the meeting at administrator@waunakee.com or (608)850-2182.
Questions will be accepted live during the webinar, or may be submitted in advance by emailing administrator@waunakee.com. Anyone with questions about how to participate in this session should call (608)850-2182.