Work Completed since last update: June 9, 2011 to June 16, 2011
The utility companies, (TDS, Charter, MG&E – Gas, MG&E – Electric, Waunakee Utilities, and Alliant Energy) continue to relocate their facilities in preparation for the Woodland Drive project. The utility work will continue through the month of June. Moore Surveying started construction staking (layout) throughout the project. Voegeli Landscaping along with Meise Construction started installing erosion control throughout the project limits. The mobilization of equipment, staging equipment, and traffic control was on going.
Anticipated work schedule for next week: June 16, 2011 to June 23, 2011
The mobilization of equipment, staging equipment and traffic control will continue throughout the project. Moore Surveying will continue construction staking (layout) throughout the project. Voegeli Landscaping along with Meise Construction will continue to install erosion control throughout the project. Interstate Tree will start clearing and grubbing (tree removal) throughout the project. Meise Construction will start pavement removal and common excavation (grading) from Mill Road to the north project. Utility Line Openings (exploratory underground work) will begin throughout the project to explore potential storm sewer conflicts. H&K Contracting will start the sanitary sewer and watermain work from Mill Road to the north project limits. This will include a water outage the morning of June 27, 2011, and June 29, 2011, more information will be supplied by Waunakee Utilities – Water Department.
Starting tomorrow the contractor will be removing the asphalt pavement from Mill Road to Manchester Crossing, access will be maintained for residents living on Emerald Grove Lane, but the road will be closed to through traffic, and all other traffic will be required to use Mill Road or CTH M to access Woodland Drive. The contractor will be placing the asphalt pavement material near Foggy Mountain Pass for future use on this project. Starting Monday June 20, 2011 the sanitary sewer and watermain work will begin in the section described above. Residents living on Emerald Grove will have access into their homes. The contractor will perform this section in Phases. The first phase will begin at the north project limits moving south to Emerald Grove Lane and access into and out of Emerald Grove Lane will be from the south on Woodland Drive via Mill Road or CTH M. This is anticipated to be complete in 4-5 days. The second phase will be from Emerald Grove Lane south to Mill Road and access into and out of Emerald Grove Lane will be from the north on Woodland Drive via Mill Road or CTH Q. A temporary gravel road will be in place from Woodland Drive to Emerald Grove Road to accommodate this work. This is anticipated to be complete in 4-5 days. A changeable message board will be placed on Emerald Grove Lane to notify residents what direction to enter and exit. All remaining traffic will be required to use Mill Road to access Woodland Drive from the north and CTH M from the south. It will be very difficult to get through this section of Woodland Drive and delays are to be expected. In addition the contractor will be removing trees throughout the project limits, and anticipates completion of this work by mid week. When the sanitary sewer and watermain work are complete the contractor will begin the grading operations in this section of roadway. This involves removing the existing roadway base and rebuilding the roadway structure with gravel.