The Waunakee Police Department continues to receive complaints of heavy trucks using residential streets. Heavy trucks are vehicles that generally weigh in excess of 5 tons.
Please click on the link below for further information:
Special Notice Regarding Truck Traffic
Waunablog is published by the Village of Waunakee as a way to share information regarding the Village's operations, programs and priorities.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Friday, May 30, 2014
Creative Wall at the Hall with Mark Weller
June 5, 2014
7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Waunakee Village Hall
500 West Main Street
What do lighthouses, the Milky Way and photography have in common? Do you enjoy the scenery of the night skies? Do you want to support the local initiative promoting creativity and innovation in Waunakee? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, please make plans to stop in at the Village Hall to learn more! While you're enjoying your dessert and coffee, you'll have the chance to meet with Mark Weller, local artist, and learn a bit about his passion.
Mark spends his summers chasing the perfect photography of the Milky Way anchored by the wilderness tree lines that cry "up north". Creative Wall at the Hall is an opportunity for local artists from the Waunakee area to share their work by displaying it at Village Hall. Exhibitions will be on display for two months at a time, for a total of six exhibits per year.
7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Waunakee Village Hall
500 West Main Street
What do lighthouses, the Milky Way and photography have in common? Do you enjoy the scenery of the night skies? Do you want to support the local initiative promoting creativity and innovation in Waunakee? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, please make plans to stop in at the Village Hall to learn more! While you're enjoying your dessert and coffee, you'll have the chance to meet with Mark Weller, local artist, and learn a bit about his passion.
Mark spends his summers chasing the perfect photography of the Milky Way anchored by the wilderness tree lines that cry "up north". Creative Wall at the Hall is an opportunity for local artists from the Waunakee area to share their work by displaying it at Village Hall. Exhibitions will be on display for two months at a time, for a total of six exhibits per year.
Workshop on Wellness - Gluten Free Diet
Do you suffer from unexplained health conditions, headaches, sleep disorders, fatigue and others? You will want to attend the Workshop on Wellness on June 14, 2014 to hear Kari Hankins, an experienced health coach and medical professional. She will help you deal with these issues, which could be gluten sensitivity and ways to improve your "core" wellness.
Crack Filling

There will be a crew in the Village performing, crack filling the week of June 2-6, 2014. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Bill Frederick at (608) 849-5765.
Together Waunakee: Paving the Way Miss Main Street
Registration for the Miss Main Street contest will open on Monday, June 2 at the Waunakee Area chamber of Commerce located at 100 East Main Street. Crowning of Miss Main Street will occur during the Pavement Dance at the end of the road construction celebration on Saturday, October 18 from 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Prizes will be awarded to winners. Please continue to look for further details on the Together Waunakee: Paving the Way website at
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Together Waunakee: Paving the Way Construction Update - Week of May 29, 2014

Weekly Update - May 29, 2014
Project Sketch
Are you looking to gain more information regarding the 2014 Main Street Construction? Visit our website at
Waunakee Community Band
Please click the link below to listen to the Waunakee Community Band's concert season:
Waunakee Community Band

301 Community Drive
Thursday, June 5, 2014
7:00 PM
The Waunakee Community Band is proud to present its 29th year! Concerts are held on Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM in the High School Performing Arts Center. Ice cream social will be hosted by the Waunakee Music Booster.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Rock 'n Stroll 5K Fun Run/Walk
Wisconsin Center for Music Education
1005 Quinn Drive
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Registration starts at 7:00 AM
Race starts at 8:00 AM
Join us for a morning of moving, music and fun. Presented in partnership with Berkeley Running Company, this event starts and ends at the Wisconsin Center for Music Education and features a variety of music acts performing throughout the event. Prizes will be provided for the winners and all participants will be entered into a raffle for additional prizes! All proceeds from this event will go towards Wisconsin Foundation for School Music and the Wisconsin Center for Music Education. Runners of all ages are welcome. Registration is $20.00 a person.
Sign Up Now!
1005 Quinn Drive
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Registration starts at 7:00 AM
Race starts at 8:00 AM
Join us for a morning of moving, music and fun. Presented in partnership with Berkeley Running Company, this event starts and ends at the Wisconsin Center for Music Education and features a variety of music acts performing throughout the event. Prizes will be provided for the winners and all participants will be entered into a raffle for additional prizes! All proceeds from this event will go towards Wisconsin Foundation for School Music and the Wisconsin Center for Music Education. Runners of all ages are welcome. Registration is $20.00 a person.
Sign Up Now!
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Farmer's Market
Wauna-A-Bowl Parking Lot
301 South Century
Waunakee, WI 53597
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Waunakee, WI 53597
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Big Rig Event
Ripp Park
213 Dorn Drive
Sunday June 1, 2014
No Horn Zone: 11:00 AM - Noon
Noise Zone: Noon - 2:00 PM
Do your kids get excited when they see a big dump truck rumbling by or the flashing lights of police car? Put your imagination in gear, grab your Bob the Builder hard hat, and head on down to this awesome event at Ripp Park. Kids of all ages can climb on, explore, and get up close with their favorite big rigs, including a skid steer, snow plow, tractor, front loader, fire engine, dump truck, police car, construction trucks and much more. Parents bring your cameras. Admission is FREE!!

Sunday June 1, 2014
No Horn Zone: 11:00 AM - Noon
Noise Zone: Noon - 2:00 PM
Do your kids get excited when they see a big dump truck rumbling by or the flashing lights of police car? Put your imagination in gear, grab your Bob the Builder hard hat, and head on down to this awesome event at Ripp Park. Kids of all ages can climb on, explore, and get up close with their favorite big rigs, including a skid steer, snow plow, tractor, front loader, fire engine, dump truck, police car, construction trucks and much more. Parents bring your cameras. Admission is FREE!!
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Friday, May 23, 2014
Together Waunakee: Paving the Way Construction Update - Week of May 23, 2014

Weekly Update - May 23, 2014
Project Sketch
Are you looking to gain more information regarding the 2014 Main Street Construction? Visit our website at
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Village Hall Summer Hours
Village Hall summer hours run from Memorial Day through Labor Day
Mondays - Thursdays 7:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
Fridays 7:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Mondays - Thursdays 7:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
Fridays 7:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Village of Waunakee Agenda - Week of May 25,
The following official Village Meetings will take place this coming week:
Utility Commission May 27, 2014 @ 5:30 PM at 322 Moravian Valley Road (Waunakee Utilities)
Check out this prior post on this topic:
Agendas may change prior to the commencement of the meeting. Agendas for these meetings will be posted at a minimum of three of the following official posting places:
Waunakee Village Hall (500 West Main Street)
Waunakee Senior Center (333 South Madison Street)
Waunakee/Westport Chamber of Commerce (100 East Main Street)
Waunakee Police Station (205 North Klein Drive)
Waunakee Utilities (322 Moravian Valley Road)
Waunakee Public Library (710 South Street)
Waunakee Public Works (504 Moravian Valley Road)
Access Meeting Materials On-Line: Agendas and most meeting packets (which include related memos and other supporting materials) will be posted on the Village of Waunakee website utilizing the following link:
You are welcome to contact Village Hall with any questions about these meetings at (608) 850-8500 or email us at frontdesk@vil.waunakee.wi.usVillage Center Adivisory Committee
Waunakee School District Facilities Master Plan Survey
Dear Residents of Waunakee
Community School District,
To confirm:
All adult school district residents can take the survey by hard copy (returning with a postage paid envelope) or online using a randomly-generated access code. Additional access codes for other adult members in the home are available through the District Office by calling 849-2000.
The survey will close on Wednesday, June 11 and School Perceptions will share the results at a special School Board meeting on Monday, June 23 at 6:30pm. The final survey report will also be posted on our website.
As you are aware, our School
District is growing. We have grown by 510 students (K-8) since 2005 and expect
200 more by 2020. We are committed to finding a solution through a long-term
Facilities Master Plan that supports teaching and learning, and one that
recognizes the input of our staff and community.
To guide decision-making for
a November 2014 referendum addressing facility options, we are launching an
important community-wide survey to all households; in fact you will receive the
survey in your mail over Memorial Day Weekend.
All adult school district residents can take the survey by hard copy (returning with a postage paid envelope) or online using a randomly-generated access code. Additional access codes for other adult members in the home are available through the District Office by calling 849-2000.
The survey will close on Wednesday, June 11 and School Perceptions will share the results at a special School Board meeting on Monday, June 23 at 6:30pm. The final survey report will also be posted on our website.
recognize that this is an exceptionally busy time of year for parents and many
others in the community. Please
help us spread the word about the survey so we can generate a strong community
response to guide our next steps. Thank you for your support of this important
work -- we look forward to hearing from you!
Randy Guttenberg, Superintendent
Waunakee Community School DistrictStyrofoam Recycling
Uniek is now accepting Styrofoam drop off during normal business hours, Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, at 805 Uniek Drive here in Waunakee. Friday collection hours during the Summer (Memorial Day through Labor Day) will be 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Uniek will discontinue collections on the third Saturday of the month effective immediately. The collection service is free and open to anyone, including businesses. Please check in at the front desk when making your drop off. For more information please contact
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Farmer's Market
Wauna-A-Bowl Parking Lot
301 South Century
Waunakee, WI 53597
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Waunakee, WI 53597
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Bike Rodeo
Heritage Elementary School
501 South Street
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
4:40 PM - 6:30 PM
This year's Bike Rodeo will be at Heritage Elementary School. Children will receive safety information about bicycling, along with helmet checks, to ensure proper fit, a bike check with a professional technician, free bike licensing and prizes. No sign-up is necessary.
501 South Street
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
4:40 PM - 6:30 PM
This year's Bike Rodeo will be at Heritage Elementary School. Children will receive safety information about bicycling, along with helmet checks, to ensure proper fit, a bike check with a professional technician, free bike licensing and prizes. No sign-up is necessary.
Memorial Day Ceremonies and Services

Pellitteri Memorial Day Pick Up Schedule

Residents normally serviced on Monday May 26, 2014 through Thursday May 29, 2014, will be serviced one day later than their normal pickup day due the Memorial Day Holiday.
Please have carts out by 7:00 AM for collection. Please contact Pellitteri at (608) 257-4285 if you have any questions.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Emerald Ash Borer
The Village of Waunakee in cooperation with UW Extension
will be hosting a public informational meeting on June 16, 2014 from 4-6 p.m.
at the Waunakee Village Center, 333 S. Madison Street. If you are unable to
make this meeting there will also be a meeting on June 3 from 4-6 p.m. at
the UW Extension located at 5201 Fen Oak Drive, Madison.
For more information on the UW Extension Meeting scheduled for June 3, 2014 visit:
For further information through the Village of Waunakee, visit:
For more information on treating trees visit:
For further information through the Village of Waunakee, visit:
Stress Less Health Fair: Make Your Own Stress Relief Medicine with Qigong.
Waunakee Public Library
710 South Street
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
7:00 PM
Qigong is a gentle, but profound exercise practiced for thousands of years in China for longevity and self healing. "Qi" refers to the energy that is expressed in our physical, mental and emotional life. "Gong" means to work or cultivate. So, qigong is about working with our energy in ways that help us to let go of stress and to relax, which allows the body's healing resources to kick in. The exercise program integrates gentle movement, self-massage, mind focus and breathe work. It is very easy to follow. No pressure! Tai Chi is one of the Well-Known forms of qigong, so we will incorporate some graceful and easy Tai Chi gestures. You'll leave with some stress relief tools that you can use at your office, home or even in the car to keep stressful energy from settling into your body. Wear comfortable and loose clothing. Phyllis Lobdell is a certified teacher of qigong through the Institute Integral Qigong and Tai Chi, Santa Barbara, CA.
710 South Street
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
7:00 PM
Qigong is a gentle, but profound exercise practiced for thousands of years in China for longevity and self healing. "Qi" refers to the energy that is expressed in our physical, mental and emotional life. "Gong" means to work or cultivate. So, qigong is about working with our energy in ways that help us to let go of stress and to relax, which allows the body's healing resources to kick in. The exercise program integrates gentle movement, self-massage, mind focus and breathe work. It is very easy to follow. No pressure! Tai Chi is one of the Well-Known forms of qigong, so we will incorporate some graceful and easy Tai Chi gestures. You'll leave with some stress relief tools that you can use at your office, home or even in the car to keep stressful energy from settling into your body. Wear comfortable and loose clothing. Phyllis Lobdell is a certified teacher of qigong through the Institute Integral Qigong and Tai Chi, Santa Barbara, CA.
Farmer's Market
Wauna-A-Bowl Parking Lot
301 South Century
Waunakee, WI 53597
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Waunakee, WI 53597
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Friday, May 16, 2014
Celebrating Older Americans Month
Senior Center
333 South Madison Street
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
11:30 AM
Gather for an afternoon celebration to honor seniors that are 90 years and above! If you will be turning 90 in 2014 or if you've already had your 90th birthday, please come and reserve a special seat for you and a guest. Lunch will be served at 11:30 AM. Following lunch we will have a wonderful musical performance called, " The Circle of Life" by John Duggleby. Our menu on this special day will be chicken breast, gravy, mashed potatoes, asparagus, bread, coffee ,milk and cake
If you plan to join us on this special day please call 849-8385 no later than 2:00 PM on Tuesday May 27, 2014 to make your reservation.
333 South Madison Street
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
11:30 AM
Gather for an afternoon celebration to honor seniors that are 90 years and above! If you will be turning 90 in 2014 or if you've already had your 90th birthday, please come and reserve a special seat for you and a guest. Lunch will be served at 11:30 AM. Following lunch we will have a wonderful musical performance called, " The Circle of Life" by John Duggleby. Our menu on this special day will be chicken breast, gravy, mashed potatoes, asparagus, bread, coffee ,milk and cake
If you plan to join us on this special day please call 849-8385 no later than 2:00 PM on Tuesday May 27, 2014 to make your reservation.
Weekly Public Improvements Update - Week of May 19, 2014
Weekly Public Works Improvements Update - Week of May 19, 2014
To view the weekly Public Works
Improvements for the week of May 5, 2014, please click on the link
Weekly Public Works Improvements - Week of May 19, 2014
Weekly Public Works Improvements - Week of May 19, 2014
Together Waunakee: Paving the Way Construction Update - Week of May 16

Weekly Update - May 16, 2014
Project Sketch
Are you looking to gain more information regarding the 2014 Main Street Construction? Visit our website at
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Village of Waunakee Agenda - Week of May 18
The following official Village Meetings will take place this coming week:
Village Board May 19, 2014 @ 6:00 PM at 500 West Main Street (Village Hall)
Village Center Advisory Committee May 20, 20104 @ 5:45 PM 333 South Madison Street (Village Center)
Village Center Advisory Committee May 20, 20104 @ 5:45 PM 333 South Madison Street (Village Center)
Check out this prior post on this topic:
Agendas may change prior to the commencement of the meeting. Agendas for these meetings will be posted at a minimum of three of the following official posting places:
Waunakee Village Hall (500 West Main Street)
Waunakee Senior Center (333 South Madison Street)
Waunakee/Westport Chamber of Commerce (100 East Main Street)
Waunakee Police Station (205 North Klein Drive)
Waunakee Utilities (322 Moravian Valley Road)
Waunakee Public Library (710 South Street)
Waunakee Public Works (504 Moravian Valley Road)
Access Meeting Materials On-Line: Agendas and most meeting packets (which include related memos and other supporting materials) will be posted on the Village of Waunakee website utilizing the following link:
You are welcome to contact Village Hall with any questions about these meetings at (608) 850-8500 or email us at frontdesk@vil.waunakee.wi.usVillage Center Adivisory Committee
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Notice of Board of Review
The 2014 Open Book is scheduled for May 21, 2014 from 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m. Board of Review is scheduled for Tuesday, June 10, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. located at the Waunakee Village Hall, 500 W. Main Street.
It is recommended you attend Open Book to discuss your property's assessment value with the assessor prior to appearing before the Board of Review. If you are not satisfied with your assessment value, you need to make arrangements with the Village Clerk's office to appear before the Board of Review. You must provide the Village Clerk with written or oral notice of your intent to file an objection by 1:00 PM, Friday, June 6, 2014. In addition, a written and signed form of objection to property assessment must be completed and filed with the Village Clerk's office. Objection forms will be available at Open Book, at the Village Hall, 500 West Main Street, Waunakee, Wisconsin, or at
If you have further questions or concerns, you may visit our Village website or contact the Village Clerk, Julee Helt at (608) 850-2827.
It is recommended you attend Open Book to discuss your property's assessment value with the assessor prior to appearing before the Board of Review. If you are not satisfied with your assessment value, you need to make arrangements with the Village Clerk's office to appear before the Board of Review. You must provide the Village Clerk with written or oral notice of your intent to file an objection by 1:00 PM, Friday, June 6, 2014. In addition, a written and signed form of objection to property assessment must be completed and filed with the Village Clerk's office. Objection forms will be available at Open Book, at the Village Hall, 500 West Main Street, Waunakee, Wisconsin, or at
If you have further questions or concerns, you may visit our Village website or contact the Village Clerk, Julee Helt at (608) 850-2827.
Hiring a Contractor for Additional Property Work Adjacent Main Street?
Anyone with property along Main Street adjacent to the proposed
construction that is considering hiring a concrete contractor for additional
work on their property can contact Parisi Construction from Verona at (608)
848-5991 for a proposal. Parisi Construction is the General Contractor
for the Main Street Lightning Project that is being administered by the Village
of Waunakee.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Madison Beltline Planning and Environmetal Linkages (PEL) Study
The purpose of this email is to keep you informed on the progress of the
Madison Beltline Planning and Environment Linkages (PEL) Study. The study is
being conducted by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), in
partnership with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). It covers 20 miles
of the Beltline from US 14 in Middleton to County N in Cottage Grove. This
email will provide you with an update on the Beltline Study, where to find
additional information about the study, and who to contact with questions.
Study update
Over the past year, the corridor study team has gathered feedback from the public, local officials, businesses, residents, and state and federal agencies. This information, along with a wealth of information about existing corridor conditions collected by the study team, helped them develop the Beltline Corridor problem statement, goals and objectives. The objectives focus primarily on reducing congestion and crashes and improving mobility for all modes of travel.
Documentation about the problem statement, goals and objectives can be viewed at the project website by clicking on the Reports link:
The problem statement, goals and objectives were then used to develop screening criteria. Over the past six months, the corridor study team has been developing a range of multi-modal strategies and evaluating them against the screening criteria. Multiple corridors and strategies are being investigated, as shown below.
Thus far, the study team has investigated a north corridor and alternative modes (such as transit) options. Improvements through the Isthmus, Beltline, and a south corridor will also be investigated over the next few months. Strategies that show promise will be moved forward in the PEL process and will be investigated further in a future environmental impact statement (EIS). An updated project schedule can be found on the website by clicking on the Schedule link:
At this time, we are midway through the PEL study and working to develop, evaluate, and screen broad strategies. After this step, there will be a series of public information meetings in the fall of 2014.
The study team is also in the process of developing an existing conditions report that encompasses the following information:
Section 1 - Economics

Study update
Over the past year, the corridor study team has gathered feedback from the public, local officials, businesses, residents, and state and federal agencies. This information, along with a wealth of information about existing corridor conditions collected by the study team, helped them develop the Beltline Corridor problem statement, goals and objectives. The objectives focus primarily on reducing congestion and crashes and improving mobility for all modes of travel.
Documentation about the problem statement, goals and objectives can be viewed at the project website by clicking on the Reports link:
The problem statement, goals and objectives were then used to develop screening criteria. Over the past six months, the corridor study team has been developing a range of multi-modal strategies and evaluating them against the screening criteria. Multiple corridors and strategies are being investigated, as shown below.
Thus far, the study team has investigated a north corridor and alternative modes (such as transit) options. Improvements through the Isthmus, Beltline, and a south corridor will also be investigated over the next few months. Strategies that show promise will be moved forward in the PEL process and will be investigated further in a future environmental impact statement (EIS). An updated project schedule can be found on the website by clicking on the Schedule link:
At this time, we are midway through the PEL study and working to develop, evaluate, and screen broad strategies. After this step, there will be a series of public information meetings in the fall of 2014.
The study team is also in the process of developing an existing conditions report that encompasses the following information:
Section 1 - Economics
Section 2 - Origin-Destination Study

Section 3 - Pedestrian/Bikes
Section 4 - Operations
Section 5 - Transit
Section 6 - Safety
Section 7 - Geometrics
Section 8 - Environment
Section 9 - Trends/Land Use
This report identifies the current state of the Beltline in
these categories and also takes into account past and future transportation
trends. Sections 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 are completed and can be found on the
project website by clicking on the Reports link:
Presentations on current information about the PEL study have recently been provided to many communities and local organizations. This presentation can be found on the project website by going to the Public involvement tab and clicking on the following link:
If you would like WisDOT to make a presentation to your group, please contact Cole Buergi, or by phone: (920) 965-7750 ext. 168.
Additional information
Please visit the study website:
While you are visiting the website, you can sign up for email updates (if you already haven’t done so) and submit your questions or comments to us.
Also, follow us on Facebook at:
Beltline Study contact information
If you have additional questions or comments related to the study, please contact:
Larry Barta
WisDOT Project Manager Southwest Region
2101 Wright Street
Madison, WI 53704-2583
Phone: (608) 246-3884
Steven Theisen
WisDOT Communications Manager
Phone: (608) 884-1230
Presentations on current information about the PEL study have recently been provided to many communities and local organizations. This presentation can be found on the project website by going to the Public involvement tab and clicking on the following link:
If you would like WisDOT to make a presentation to your group, please contact Cole Buergi, or by phone: (920) 965-7750 ext. 168.
Additional information
Please visit the study website:
While you are visiting the website, you can sign up for email updates (if you already haven’t done so) and submit your questions or comments to us.
Also, follow us on Facebook at:
Beltline Study contact information
If you have additional questions or comments related to the study, please contact:
Larry Barta
WisDOT Project Manager Southwest Region
2101 Wright Street
Madison, WI 53704-2583
Phone: (608) 246-3884
Steven Theisen
WisDOT Communications Manager
Phone: (608) 884-1230
Stress Less Health Fair: Bringing Calm to Chaos.
Waunakee Public Library
710 South Street
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
7:00 PM
What area of your home or office comes to mind when you say clutter? Did you know your physical blood pressure goes up when you walk into a room of clutter? There is nothing healthy about it. However the payoff for getting organized is all positive. You save time, energy and money therefore relieving your stress. Becky Olson a Professional Organizer will teach you simple tools to become organized and stay organized.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014
7:00 PM
What area of your home or office comes to mind when you say clutter? Did you know your physical blood pressure goes up when you walk into a room of clutter? There is nothing healthy about it. However the payoff for getting organized is all positive. You save time, energy and money therefore relieving your stress. Becky Olson a Professional Organizer will teach you simple tools to become organized and stay organized.
Friday, May 9, 2014
Workshops on Wellness - Promoting a Healthier Lifestyle in Waunakee
Village Center
333 South Madison Street
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Did you know skin is the largest organ of our bodies? Your skin performs important functions that allow you to live a normal life. You might not notice it happening but you can be sure your skin is dong its part to keep your body healthy. We hear so much about the danger of skin cancer but are you doing everything you can to keep your skin safe?
Join Dr. Michael Pomroy, Meriter Dermatologist, for the program Summer Safety for Your Skin. He will teach what the first signs of skin cancer are, as well as how to monitor your skin and protect your self from the sun. Dr. Pomroy will offer complimentary skin checks (for a lesion or two) after the presentation for ten attendees. Sign up the night of the event beginning at 6:45 PM
333 South Madison Street
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Did you know skin is the largest organ of our bodies? Your skin performs important functions that allow you to live a normal life. You might not notice it happening but you can be sure your skin is dong its part to keep your body healthy. We hear so much about the danger of skin cancer but are you doing everything you can to keep your skin safe?
Join Dr. Michael Pomroy, Meriter Dermatologist, for the program Summer Safety for Your Skin. He will teach what the first signs of skin cancer are, as well as how to monitor your skin and protect your self from the sun. Dr. Pomroy will offer complimentary skin checks (for a lesion or two) after the presentation for ten attendees. Sign up the night of the event beginning at 6:45 PM
Village of Waunakee Agenda - Week of May 11
The following official Village Meetings will take place this coming week:
Waunakee Public Library May 12, 2014 @ 5:30 PM at 710 South Street (Public Library)
Joint Plan Commission May 13, 2014 @ 6:00 PM at 5387 Mary Lake Road (Westport Hall)
Public Works Committee May 14, 2014 @ 6:00 PM at 500 West Main Street (Village Hall)
Joint Plan Commission May 13, 2014 @ 6:00 PM at 5387 Mary Lake Road (Westport Hall)
Public Works Committee May 14, 2014 @ 6:00 PM at 500 West Main Street (Village Hall)
Check out this prior post on this topic:
Agendas may change prior to the commencement of the meeting. Agendas for these meetings will be posted at a minimum of three of the following official posting places:
Waunakee Village Hall (500 West Main Street)
Waunakee Senior Center (333 South Madison Street)
Waunakee/Westport Chamber of Commerce (100 East Main Street)
Waunakee Police Station (205 North Klein Drive)
Waunakee Utilities (322 Moravian Valley Road)
Waunakee Public Library (710 South Street)
Waunakee Public Works (504 Moravian Valley Road)
Access Meeting Materials On-Line: Agendas and most meeting packets (which include related memos and other supporting materials) will be posted on the Village of Waunakee website utilizing the following link:
You are welcome to contact Village Hall with any questions about these meetings at (608) 850-8500 or email us at frontdesk@vil.waunakee.wi.usVillage Center Adivisory Committee
Together Waunakee: Paving the Way Construction Update - Week of May 9, 2014

Weekly Update - May 9, 2014
Project Sketch
Are you looking to gain more information regarding the 2014 Main Street Construction? Visit our website at
Roundabout Webcam

Roundabout Webcam
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Town of Westport & Village of Waunakee Recycling Event
Town of Westport Municipal Building
5387 Mary Lake Road
Saturday, May 17, 2014
8:00 a.m. - Noon
It's time again for the Town of Westport and Village of Waunakee Spring Recycling Event! Bring your computers, electronics and appliances. Click on the link below for all the recycling details:
Recycling Event
5387 Mary Lake Road
Saturday, May 17, 2014
8:00 a.m. - Noon
It's time again for the Town of Westport and Village of Waunakee Spring Recycling Event! Bring your computers, electronics and appliances. Click on the link below for all the recycling details:
Recycling Event
Rock'n Ribs BBQ Festival!
Saturday, May 10, 2014
The Village of Waunakee and the Waunakee Area Chamber of Commerce would like to invite the public to join in on the first Together Waunakee: Paving the Way event - Rock'n Ribs BBQ Festival!
Reeve Park
100 East Main Street
The Village of Waunakee and the Waunakee Area Chamber of Commerce would like to invite the public to join in on the first Together Waunakee: Paving the Way event - Rock'n Ribs BBQ Festival!
This event will take
place at Reeve Park behind
the historic Depot Station. Fun for the whole family begins from 2:00 - 4:00
p.m. as Art Party Place will have crafts and activities for the kids. We will
have a bouncy house and Erin Crowley from Musical Memories will DJ. The band
Retro Specz will play in the beer garden from 4:00 - 8:00 PM and we’ll have
plenty of food from Blowin’ Smoke Barbeque. Nominal fees for all crafts, drinks
and food. Be sure to check out our website for more details.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Stress Less Health Fair: Relaxing Into The Shimmy: Belly Dance As a Stress Reliever
Waunakee Public Library
710 South Street
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
7:00 PM
The quintessential belly dance move, "the shimmy" is achieved not from muscle tension, but mainly through relaxation. People all over the world are discovering the many mental health benefits belly has to offer. Belly dance started out as a folk dance, which means it is accessible to regular people of any age, size or shape. It fully engages both mind and body simultaneously, promoting healthy body image, connectedness to self and full presence in the moment. Seana Dishun of Euphoria Movement Arts Studio can show you how shimmying (and other belly dance moves) can melt away the barrier of our daily cares and let our spirits soar.
710 South Street
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
7:00 PM
The quintessential belly dance move, "the shimmy" is achieved not from muscle tension, but mainly through relaxation. People all over the world are discovering the many mental health benefits belly has to offer. Belly dance started out as a folk dance, which means it is accessible to regular people of any age, size or shape. It fully engages both mind and body simultaneously, promoting healthy body image, connectedness to self and full presence in the moment. Seana Dishun of Euphoria Movement Arts Studio can show you how shimmying (and other belly dance moves) can melt away the barrier of our daily cares and let our spirits soar.
Together Waunakee: Paving the Way Construction Update
Please click on the link below to view the latest 2014 Main Street Construction update:
May 6, 2014 (Day 2 of Road Closure)
Are you looking to gain more information regarding the 2014 Main Street Construction? Visit our website at
May 6, 2014 (Day 2 of Road Closure)
Are you looking to gain more information regarding the 2014 Main Street Construction? Visit our website at
Monday, May 5, 2014
Attitude is Everything
We are in construction season. Dotted around the Village are those iconic orange barrels, piles of dirt, barricades, and so on. Not much can be more annoying than those pieces of evidence that summer is here in Wisconsin. To top it off, our center of Village commerce and busiest road in the community - Main Street - is totally closed at Century Avenue with work being completed for nearly a mile from Holiday Drive to Division Street.
What are we to do as Waunakee residents to cope? I think the answer has everything to do with attitude. Speaking for myself, this is what I intend to do every time I feel those pings of annoyance.
Think September - Four months. That's the expected project duration. In the grand scheme of things, it's not a long time. With the intense busy-ness of everything else going on in the summer, I'll blink a few times and June will arrive, July 4th will hit us, Waunafest will roll in, and then we'll be buying school supplies for the fall semester. It... will... end.
Envision Results - I can look forward to a transformation of our downtown as an improved public place. When I feel frustrated during the construction, closing my eyes for a moment and picturing the new streetscape features will help me to remember the good that will come from this work. Just don't try this closing eyes approach while driving.
Smile and Do Good - Both smiling and doing good for others have been scientifically proven to help improve attitudes. I plan to participate in the various community activities being planned by the Together Waunakee Committee. Visiting with neighbors, taking in live music, spending time with family and enjoying good food are all ways that the planned events will put a smile on my face. I also plan to do good by shopping local more than usual. The merchants will appreciate it which, in turn, will give me a sense of having done my part to sustain and boost our great local businesses.
We will make it through and have much to look forward to. The dust of construction will give way to a rejuvenated sense of pride we can each have for our Village.
Notice of Open Book
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
12:00 NOON - 4:00 PM
Waunakee Village Hall
500 West Main Street
Waunakee, WI 53597
Open Book refers to a period of time before Board of Review when the completed assessment roll is open for examination. At Open Book, the assessor is allowed to make any changes that are necessary to perfect the assessment roll. Instructional materials on appealing an assessment value to the Board of Review will be available. The deadline for providing notice of intent to object will be due to the Village Clerk's office by 1:00 PM, June 6, 2014.
Please click the below mentioned link for further information regarding Open Book.
Property Assessments
12:00 NOON - 4:00 PM
Waunakee Village Hall
500 West Main Street
Waunakee, WI 53597
Open Book refers to a period of time before Board of Review when the completed assessment roll is open for examination. At Open Book, the assessor is allowed to make any changes that are necessary to perfect the assessment roll. Instructional materials on appealing an assessment value to the Board of Review will be available. The deadline for providing notice of intent to object will be due to the Village Clerk's office by 1:00 PM, June 6, 2014.
Please click the below mentioned link for further information regarding Open Book.
Property Assessments
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Weekly Public Works Improvements Update - Week of May 5, 2014
To view the weekly Public Works Improvements for the week of May 5, 2014, please click on the link below:
Weekly Public Works Improvements - Week of May 5, 2014
Weekly Public Works Improvements - Week of May 5, 2014
Friday, May 2, 2014
Village of Waunakee Agenda - Week of May 4
The following official Village Meetings will take place this coming week:
Village Board May 5, 2014 @ 6:00 PM at 500 West Main Street (Village Hall)
Park and Recreation Committee May 7, 2014 @ 5:45 PM at 333 South Madison Street (Village Center)
Park and Recreation Committee May 7, 2014 @ 5:45 PM at 333 South Madison Street (Village Center)
Check out this prior post on this topic:
Agendas may change prior to the commencement of the meeting. Agendas for these meetings will be posted at a minimum of three of the following official posting places:
Waunakee Village Hall (500 West Main Street)
Waunakee Senior Center (333 South Madison Street)
Waunakee/Westport Chamber of Commerce (100 East Main Street)
Waunakee Police Station (205 North Klein Drive)
Waunakee Utilities (322 Moravian Valley Road)
Waunakee Public Library (710 South Street)
Waunakee Public Works (504 Moravian Valley Road)
Access Meeting Materials On-Line: Agendas and most meeting packets (which include related memos and other supporting materials) will be posted on the Village of Waunakee website utilizing the following link:
You are welcome to contact Village Hall with any questions about these meetings at (608) 850-8500 or email us at frontdesk@vil.waunakee.wi.usVillage Center Adivisory Committee
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Waunakee Residential Spring Clean - Up!!

Special Refuse Pick-Up Day
May 12-15, 2014
7:00 AM
The Village of Waunakee Public Works Department and Pellitteri Waste Systems are pleased to sponsor the 16th Annual Waunakee Residential Spring Clean-Up! This will be your opportunity to clean out those closets, garages, basements and whatever else you need to dispose of. Items will be picked up on the same day as your weekly refuse pick-up. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Public Works Department at 849-5892. Please follow the guidelines listed on the website below:
Waunakee Residential Spring Clean-Up
Friends' Plant Sale
710 South Street
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
May 8,9,10, 2014
8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Buy great plants at a great price at the Friends' Plant Sale on Garage Sale weekend. Plant donations are welcome.
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